60-65lb weight loss for my wedding

Hi everyone

My wedding is on Aug 30th 2014. I'm really going to try hard and put in work to lose 60-65 pounds before the wedding. I'm starting off at 240lbs, (the most I have EVER weighed), and I'm 5'8" tall and 33 years old. My question is, is this attainable? I really want to get healthy, and of course look and feel better for my big day! Any ideas and advice would be appreciated! Thank you in advance!


  • Congratulations in advance! I guess you'll need to combine workout and calorie counting. But anything's possible if you'll really work on it. I started going to the gym last Sept and have lost weight without even trying. Seriously. I don't do anything much other than use the treadmill. I usually just walk/run for 45 min and that's it. Not even watching what I eat or anything like that. And I still lost weight. Just imagine how much you can lose if you really put in the effort! Good luck and I'll be cheering you on :)
  • Congratulations!

    I'm in the same boat as you. I just got engaged and were planning on June of 2015. So I have a little longer. I too weigh 240 but I'm hoping for a 80 lbs loss. I loss 20 this year,since April, by just watching my food. But I'm getting a gym membership next week and I'm gana start lifting. When it gets warm I do three mile walks with my dogs almost daily.

    Best of luck! I'm sure you can do!
  • It most certainly IS! I lost about 60 pounds in 5 months and you have longer than that! And remember, he loves you at 240, enough said!! Congrats!
  • You ladies are the best!! I'm starting fresh tomorrow! I'm very excited and motivated by your kind words and support! Can't wait to share my progress!!!!
  • I am trying to lose 50 lbs by my anniversary at the end of may. So your goal is very reasonable! I lost 20lbs in the beginning of 2013 using MVP, but I stopped watching what I ate and unfortunately gained it back. So Stay strong! You can do it. We all will do our best to help keep you motivated. And just a side note, I was 250 when I got married. Not my ideal weight by any stretch! But my wedding day was perfect regardless of my weight. Because I was marrying the man I love, and he was in love with all 250lbs of me!
  • mirendajean
    mirendajean Posts: 10 Member
    You most certainly can do it. A healthy, nutrient dense daily diet and exercise will melt you to whatever size you desire. The first two weeks are the hardest (food cravings and soreness from exercise). After that you will get a feeling of pride and accomplishment with every good choice you make. I've been loosing 7-10lbs a month through a healthy diet and running. I feel great in my mind and body. Since I made the choice to eat fruit and veg fattening food has become easier to ignore. I still have a weakness for chocolate fudge cake but only have it when I'm out for special occasions.

    I guess what I'm saying is....if you really put your mind to it, start slow and build up a good lifestyle, not only will you loose weight you will keep it off. You'll feel amazing to boot.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Congrats :smile:

    I got married August 2008, and I lost about 42lbs for it, although I had from the previous Oct when I got engaged, so a slightly bigger time frame.

    Do lot of exercise - a combination of cardio and strength training. When I was losing weight for my wedding I hadn't really discovered strength training, but after having my children I had, and I got a lot thinner and more toned.

    Also, make sure you eat enough. I was doing the 1200 calorie a day thing back then, and after my 2nd baby I started eating 1500 a day, and that coupled with the strength training, meant I looked a lot better than I did on my wedding day, and I looked pretty good then!

    I personally aim for a high protein goal, and less starchy carbs (bread, pasta etc) and kind of medium fat. My diet at the moment is slightly different as I'm pregnant, but not that much, so you're welcome to take a look at my food diary.

    I went from 220 to 154 and a size 8 after my 2nd baby.