Why did you get FAT & why did you decide to turn it around?



  • harleyjax
    harleyjax Posts: 109 Member
    I gained weight after high school because I wasn't in athletic things anymore, then in 2009 I got pregnant and got pregnant again in 2010. Yeah, 2 years of being pregnant got me pretty big! Saw pictures of myself when my youngest was 5 months old and I looked like I was 5 months pregnant and still had to wear maternity clothes. So I changed that!!
  • 60x60
    60x60 Posts: 75 Member
    For a little over 20 years, I added about 5 pounds a year to my total weight. Gradually also added slightly high blood pressure and slightly higher cholesterol. Apparently also was adding cancer. Subsequent to cancer diagnosis, surgery, chemo, radiation was told the best thing I could do to attempt to prevent reoccurrence was diet and exercise. That was over six years ago -- cancer free, blood pressure and cholesterol normal, over 100 lbs lighter; more fit and flexible than when I was normal weight several decades ago. I am taking off 10 more pounds by June 2014, along with meeting four key fitness goals.
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,717 Member
    I retired from being a fashion model at age 25 and resolved to never give another thought to my appearance again. I didn't care about my weight and put on 2 kg a year, every year, for over 20 years. Now 2 kg per year is not so extreme, it represents an average surplus of only 40 kcal per day. Shouldn't have really let it go that long though.

    In August 2012 I was diagnose as type 2 diabetic. So it became a health issue, not a vanity issue. I've lost enough weight to reverse my diabetes, and am off the meds. Would like to lose some more because I think it would be fun to enjoy fashion again. Will have to get down to size UK12/US8 to buy something trendy and age inappropriate at Top Shop. That's a UK retailer that targets trendy teens.
  • bentobee
    bentobee Posts: 321 Member
    I was always a normal healthy weight through childhood and as a teen was pretty slim. College started out okay, but at 22 I was married and working full time and finishing up a post-bac degree. To say I was busy and stressed is an understatement. My job kept me pretty active, but I was eating fast food almost exclusively. And not "healthy fast food" either. I started gaining weight steadily. At the time I blamed the birth control pills I had started taking. And maybe they didn't help, but my food choices were terrible.
    A few years later I had my first baby. While I didn't gain a huge amount of weight while pregnant (30 pounds, and I'm 5'11", so that was on par) I never bothered to try to lose any weight after he was born and just steadily continued to gain slowly. Add kid #2 a couple years after that… and kid #3 a few years later… Yikes.

    The worst part is I was in such complete denial about my weight. I just didn't allow myself to even think about it. A few times I tried to lose weight, thinking I knew just how to do that, but I would end up eating way too little and we all know how that ends up working out. :wink:
  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member
    Great stories! I forgot to write mine.

    I was a chubby kid but not exaclty fat. Played football and rugby throughout high school and college and was always a big guy, but was qutie muscular due to heavy lifting and lots of cardio. Had decent success as a print/commerical male model in highschool/college so I worked hard in the gym.

    After I stopped playing sports, eating habit stuck and became bff with pizza pizza . lol

    Put on around 90 pounds and stayed at 280 lbs for 6 years or so.

    I had trouble walking and I blamed it on asthma and hookah smoking, not my weight. I put on size 42 jeans but couldn't close the front; however I refused to purchase a size 44. I just left the front button open :p

    I decided in September 2013 after going through a series of blood test and sleep apnea test in fear of my own health to switch things around.

    Started with walking, then bootcamp, and now I'm doing crossfit. Lost about 25 pounds in 4 months, which I didn't think was a lot for my weight(6 lbs/month). I thought I would lose a lot more at first; however I went from a size 44 waist --> 38 and my cardio/strength improved significantly so I decided to not just rely on the scale!

    Feels great to workout and have a supportive mfp community. I wish I found out about mfp years ago!
  • hottamolly00
    hottamolly00 Posts: 334 Member
    Obviously if you joined MFP, you have the drive and motivation to lose weight and stay fit.

    Why did you get fat (initially) and why did you decide to lose that weight ?

    What was the turning point?

    I got fat because I had an insatiable appetite for Swiss Cake Rolls. Like, I would down an entire box at least once a week (in one sitting.) I also was too lazy to work out and was in complete denial that eating healthy would not only make me lose weight but feel better, too. (I had GERD and anemia until recently...)
  • kittenful
    kittenful Posts: 318 Member
    I gained weight with my pregnancy. Didn't mind that, it was good for my daughter. I had gotten rid of more than 2/3 it before a poor choice in birth control packed it all back on. In a month. I was in serious denial, until I saw a scale. I honestly thought the scale was broken, until I finally realized that my clothes weren't fitting anymore. After that, I got depressed. I hadn't done anything extra to lose the weight in the first place and had no idea where to begin, so I just gave up. I walked around weighing more than I did when I was 9 months pregnant, and I hated myself for it.

    After 4 1/2 years, I finally got sick of my pity party. I got tired of seeing myself in pictures, 60+ lbs overweight. Never without a corset. Ever. I've always loved corsets, but it made me uncomfortable to the point of panic just thinking of going out without one (not everyday, mind, but out to social events with friends and the like). I was tired of hiding behind corsets and dreaded seeing any picture I was in. I decided that had to change. I lost about 10 lbs before I found MFP by attempting to eat a bit better. I found MFP and here I am today. 1 lb away from my original goal weight.

    Edited for typos. Bah.
  • Jessica11221
    Jessica11221 Posts: 58 Member
    I have always had issues with food. I eat based on my emotions. I gained a lot of weight during pregnancy (3 kids in the last 5 years) and have kept making excuses about changing my eating/exercise habits. With my last pregnancy I weighed the most I have ever weighed and decided instead of buying new bigger clothes I am ready to get motivated lose the weight so I can reward myself with smaller/cute clothes.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I was overweight as a teenager, not sure why really as I walked everywhere, did sports at school, didn't eat junk. My parents didn't ever take us to McDonald's, KFC etc, and I don't try a take away until my 2nd year of university. I would hardly eat while I was at school as I was aware I was bigger than my friends, which probably ruined my metabolism a bit.

    I lost weight at university though and carried on losing until I moved in with my now husband and did my teacher training. The combination of the stress of that, and eating bigger portions made me gain weight. Then I lost it all for our wedding, and after that pregnancy made me gain weight. I was good in my first pregnancy with gym sessions and eating reasonably healthily, but still gained weight unfortunately. I lost it all, got pregnant again, was bad in that pregnancy and didn't exercise and ate too much, and gained loads of weight. I lost lots in the first year after my 2nd child, then discovered MFP, and lost even more. I realised that I could eat more than 1200 calories a day!

    I'm currently 24 weeks pregnant with my 3rd and keeping up with logging and exercising and hoping I won't be in a position where I have to lose tonnes of weight next April!

    I'm pretty vain, to be honest, and don't want to look fat, so that's mainly why I exercise. I also don't particularly like junk food (apart from chocolate) so that makes it easier. I didn't put on weight in the past through junk, just too big portions of good, homemade food and not enough exercise. Now I think I'm pretty addicted to exercise. Plus having 2 young kids I rarely get to sit sill!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I've been relatively active most of my life. I played all manner of sports when I was growing up and joined the Marine Corps out of high school where my life was pretty much training. Afterwards in college I remained relatively active though I didn't workout per sei...I was just generally active and road my bike and walked pretty much everywhere as I didn't have a car most of that time. My hobbies also tended to revolve around being active and outdoors...hiking, skiing, backpacking, etc. I put on a little weight during this time, but it was actually a good thing...I was pretty scrawny.

    I graduated college when I was 30 and started my first "real" job sitting on my *kitten* in front of a computer all day. I worked a ton of hours and was often on the road for business as well so just not as much free time as I used to have. My outdoor hobbies sort of fell by the way and I didn't really exercise. I essentially went from being quite active to pretty much sedentary but I continued to eat and drink like I always had....which wasn't necessarily bad, I've always enjoyed good, healthy foods...but I could eat a lot.

    From 30 - 38 I ballooned from 180 Lbs to a high of 220. Last year when I turned 38 I went in for my checkup and came back with some really bad blood results. I'm back down to my 180 and have greatly improved my blood work and am "normal" on all accounts save for my triglycerides and my LDL is only one point in the green. I do have to take BP meds and the doc just put me on a statin as well since my dad recently passed away from a massive heart attack at 61...I guess that put me into a higher risk category and the doc wants my LDL below 100.

    I am disappointed somewhat that I haven't been able to correct things fully with my diet and exercise but I have a lot of heredity going against me and I've been doing all I can and will continue to do so. This was and always will be more about my health than it is about my weight or physique or fitting into some particular sized pants or whatever. Health is the most important thing and when you're striving towards better nutrition and fitness, weight and body composition are the bi-products of those endeavors.
  • spm2010
    spm2010 Posts: 197 Member
    I was a chubby kid growing up and before I moved out and to another province back in 2007 I was finally at a good weight. After the birth of my son in 2010 my bf was posted to NB and I fell into a depression, new baby, new province, no friends, no family so you can understand how I was feeling. Turns out the doctor I had decided to put me on an anti depression drug that I later found out was given to patients in clinics for anorexia and bulemia to make them gain weight and fast, he never told me this. I ended up gaining 26 pounds in 2 months and now 2013 and no matter what I do it does not want to come off and he holds no responsibility for not informing me about this before putting me on a high dose. I did ww and exercised but it didn't matter the pounds piled on. I was 174 after having my son, 9lbs from goal now I am 188 and trying to lose 22. So meds made me gain weight.
  • Dori_Gaga
    Dori_Gaga Posts: 50 Member
    I have always thought that I was fat... and looking back, I think I may have been suffering from a little body dysmorphia. I am 5'8, and I remember weighing 145lbs, and thinking I was fat. My BMI was 22.0, I was at an ideal weight and all I saw was fat. I still have a diary I kept at that time, and my goal was 120, which would have put me at a BMI of 18.2.

    I never made that goal and it was just an endless cycle of determination, followed by failure, followed by self-loathing, followed by binge eating. And the number crept higher and higher.

    I got up to 175 (my highest at that point), and got myself back down below 150 by essentially starving myself. I was barely eating. Obviously, not maintainable. I wouldn't say I had a full-blown eating disorder, because this only lasted about 5 months or so, but my eating was very disordered. I was so excited to be thin again, and I bought a whole new wardrobe... and within a month, I was gaining weight again.

    When I started eating normally again, the weight came back on so fast that I just gave up. I literally though, "screw it, if I'm going to be fat, at least I'll enjoy it", and I started eating anything I felt like. There were weeks at a time I ate nothing but McDonalds. I got up to 210lbs....

    The thing is, I didn't enjoy it. I felt like crap. That's why I decided I needed to change. Looking back, I can see all the mistakes I made. The thing I kick myself most for was thinking I was fat at 145lbs. And striving for an unhealthy goal. I didn't realize at the time that the reason I wasn't losing weight was because I was already at an ideal weight. I don't know why I couldn't see that. My body now, at 211.6lbs, looks the same to me as I remember looking at 145lbs. I can look at pictures of myself and see that I was thin, but I can't remember once ever looking at myself in the mirror and not thinking I was fat.

    I guess if I had known then what body dysmorphia was, I could have gotten help and prevented this cycle... but I know now, and now I am making healthy, positive changes. And eating healthy at 211lbs, I feel much better than I did eating like crap at 150lbs.
  • Spiderkeys
    Spiderkeys Posts: 338 Member
    I lost my job when I was 33, I got no excercise except walking or driving to the shops to get my food, I ate one meal a day, nearly 5000 calories a day before bed.

    I moved from my tiny apartment to a large house in May 2013, I was more immediately more active, I lost some weight and I wasn't really thinking I was dieting, but didn't offically diet and register on MFP until September 2013.

    A change of scenery and lifestyle makes a big difference.

    I decided to shred my excess weight off because I was sick of it, trouble sleeping, employment opportunies, lack of motivation, no self-esteem, etc etc. many reasons, the lost weight as now solved nearly all my problems.
  • Chris_58
    I got fat through comfort eating, as a kid and an adult, and didn't care enough to stop until recently, when I thought to myself "What am I doing?".

    Was introduced to MFP through my mum (her friend told her about it) and it made it a whole lot easier for me to lose weight, I always thought "I wish there was an online calorie tracker", and here it is :)
  • Quietusx
    After I graduated from high school and began partying, I stopped caring about my weight and only cared about partying and all the aspects with it. One wrong move and I fell into depression which I nursed by eating as much crap as I possibly could. Couple that with moving, I had gained 20 pounds in too short a period of time. Now, I am a tiny bit older and maybe a little bit wiser. I am in a stable relationship, a stable life and I am finally moving past the old me. Getting my body to the weight that it used to be feels like the final stepping stone to being happy again.

    I can't wait. =)
  • Wilhellmina
    Wilhellmina Posts: 757 Member
    I don't consider myself as fat, none actually because it sounds so negative to me, we're just bigger, but I do have overweight. For me it started when I lost my dog 2 years ago. Not only did I stop walking now she's not around anymore, I also started to fill the gap with food instead. I gained 15 kilos (appr 33 pounds) in 2 years time and before it totally spirals out of control I joined up to get a grip on it again.
  • Laura8603
    Laura8603 Posts: 590 Member
    I got fat because I ate too much. I decided to get thin so that I could be a better mom to my kids. I am a single mom and they need me healthy and alive to raise them to adulthood. Also, kids are mean and I did not want them growing up being teased for having a fat mom.

    I have been maintaining my 200 pound loss for 4 years now. Life is good!!
  • minniemanion83
    minniemanion83 Posts: 13 Member
    I have always had a fuller figure, but I got fat when I moved into my first apartment. I had a desk job and no yard to mow or look after. I ate and played video games and that was about it. I was also in a bad relationship and my self worth was in the dumps. I didn't value myself enough to take care of myself and I ballooned to 244 pounds. On a 4 foot 8 inch frame. Gross. I got pregnant in 2007 and in summer 2008, my son was born. About a year and a half later, after another failed relationship, I lost 35 pounds. And I felt great. I started working in fast food and my hours were so crazy that I was constantly tired. No working out and I gained the weight back (most of it anyway). Now, I am 30, the mom to a crazy hyper 5 year old and I am finally tired of being fat. I am ready to be skinny and wear cute clothes and feel attractive. I had lost 6 pounds here, but I gained them back. I'm slowly getting back on track with water intake, a proper bedtime, positive thinking, eating right and exercising.
  • DoNotSpamMe73
    DoNotSpamMe73 Posts: 286 Member
    I gained weight going on medication for Epilepsy which I still have in full for 11years now. What really got the weight on though was not paying attention and not exercising as much. I have always been considered attractive so I didn't pay attention my vanity getting the better of me.
    When It got to the 80's and close to 90kgs I knew I had to do something. It is bad for my health and well being. For epilepsy and my vanity. I am from 88kgs to 81/82 so far from building the habit of exercise and monitoring eating. It is taking time but it is coming off fitness comes with it. Gradual but faster, healthier and longer lasting than pure diet. It has always been both. My partner loves me and is honest, always adoring but not pushing me to 'not change' when I want to. Mutual love is the best :D.
  • djxil
    djxil Posts: 357
    Why did I get fat, I got the girl. Sounds shallow and pretty stupid saying it honestly. Working out and staying in shape seemed tough to fit into family life. It was no longer convenient.

    Lost the girl, starting getting in shape again. I had little else to do so working out and getting fit seemed to fill the time.

    Got the same girl, got fat again. This time, I tried to stay in shape but it just never caught on and I ballooned to about 260.

    See a trend, yeah, I do too.

    So, 43, 5'9" and 260. My hip is bad, my back hurts, I have a umbilical hernia, my elbows and my knees hurt, both of my feet suffer from plantar fasciitis. I am a freaking mess.

    Here is the crazy thing, I just did not care but something started to change this year.

    My hernia got worse, all my aches and pains got worse but that was not enough, technology finally caught up to my needs; MFP helps me count calories and watch my nutrition along with calculating burned calories from exercise with ease and my scale links to my iPhone.

    All that stuff was enough to get me started but what will keep me going is not the hope that my wife will find me more attractive, it's not that I will get to see my kids graduate, get married or have kids, it's not about helping those around me eat more healthy, these are potential benefits, they rely on decisions made by others that may or may not meet my expectations.

    What will drive me to stay in shape, then? Me, that's it. It sounds selfish and self-centered, I guess it is. But knowing that I have to meet or exceed my own expectations, that if I fail, I am failing myself, that is what will motivate me to continue. When I do fail, I may rely on the benefits that will come from the lifestyle change to prop me up but ultimately, I am doing this for me.

    What I sow, I will reap, what effort I put in, I will get equal rewards.