I need some friends!!! :)

Not new to MFP but starting over...again. I gained back what I lost so I am back at square one. I have 100 (gasp) pounds to lose so if anyone wants to do this together and has a chunk to lose also, please be my friend! Lol.


  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    feel free to add me but i only offer support to those that give me mutual support, very good luck with your journey you can do this
  • I was going to just try to do this myself, but I think I need the accountability to other people and having people see my diary.
  • MaryGrace1965
    MaryGrace1965 Posts: 92 Member
    Hi! My name is Mary but my friends call me Penny. I love, love, love MFP and the friends that I have found that motivate and inspire me. I am 48 years old, married for 27 1/2 years, have one son who is 25 and two dogs, boxers, Joe and Jasper. I have lost a bit but still have over 100 pounds to lose. I am on a journey to change my life style. NOT a diet. That is a four letter word to me. My motto is, "ONE DAY, ONE STEP, ONE MEAL, ONE POUND AT A TIME. THAT'S HOW I HAVE TO DO IT!!" I try not to look at the big picture at this point because when you have a lot of weight to loss it can become overwhelming. Well for me anyway. So...I try my best to live that motto. Feel free to add me if you would like. It's a great place with great people. Have a wonderful day!
  • lyn_2013
    lyn_2013 Posts: 108 Member
    Feel free to add me!
  • cheryhol
    cheryhol Posts: 5 Member
    Hi. I'm just starting as well. I have 62 lbs to lose to get me below 200 lbs, so I'm really trying to do my best to stay focused. Please be encouraged. I will be posting each day as I can to help you stay motivated as well as keep myself motivated. You can do this, just remember that.
  • Hi there!

    I have a good chunk to lose and am on here frequently. Take things one day at a time... the weight will come off if you keep chiseling away at it :smile:
  • cheryhol
    cheryhol Posts: 5 Member
    One more thing, remember to track everything you eat and drink. I lost back in 2005 and 2010, but went back to my old normal, instead of imbracing my new normal; my new way of eating. So, I'm starting over again just like you. I have been back on MFP for 2 weeks now. Remember "If but bit it, write it!" TRACK, TRACK, TRACK........You can reach your goal, just stay focused!
  • airdale8263
    airdale8263 Posts: 2,155 Member
    Good Morning.

    You will find plenty of support here at MFP but it all focuses on you to make the lifestyle change and commitment. I started back in August and it has been a great feeling to change the way I feel (oh and looking better is nice).

    Feel free to add me (or anybody else).
  • cristina3980
    cristina3980 Posts: 44 Member
    Feel free to add me too!!
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    I just wanted to drop in and say it's great that you are trying again.

    It's easy to go back to the way we used to be. I've gained back some of the weight I lost. We have to remember that these changes are going to be something we do every day forever. Keep working at it.

    Good luck!
  • Hi! I don't have that much further to go, but I would say I've come a long way. I have learned a lot on my journey and would love to help you through yours!
  • jaxxie
    jaxxie Posts: 576 Member
    Welcome Back! I have to say that it takes a lot of courage and strength to be as honest as you are with yourself. I will probably be a lifer on MFP because I need the accountability and support. Wanted to wish you the best of success and please have the CONFIDENCE IN YOUR SUCCESS!!!
  • jaclynkay92
    jaclynkay92 Posts: 42 Member
    Welcome Back Feel free to add me.. I would love to have some friends on mfp as well. :D