HELP im lazy and want advice!



  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    Thanks everyone! Is there any inexpensive equipment/stuff that could help?
    Things ive thought of:
    walking/running shoes
    headphones for my phone(for music)(and then from there good ways to play music on a android smartphone preferably free)
    journal for logging everything(i plan to use MFP and also hand log it all)
    treadmill or stationary bike(if i can talk the hubby into it or find one very cheap)

    I use this...

    and these...

    I love my bands!
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    my advice-stop being lazy

    you have a lot of excuses and not ONE of them is good. Get up off the sofa during commercials and do some calisthenics (push ups, sit ups, crunches, shadow boxing, butt kicks, skaters, etc) if you really want to change YOU WILL.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Start with a CD-30 Day Shred by Jillian Michaels. Only cost about $15 and well worth it. Walking is free and a great way to lose weight as long as you walk at a fast pace. Slap some music on and get going. STOP making excuses.
  • Ralthor125
    Ralthor125 Posts: 139 Member
    Do you have a smart phone? If so there is an app call "Zombies, Run!". It is a way to entertain yourself while just running/biking. It will keep your mind off the exercise and will be more like playing a game.

    When I first started exercising, I really hated it, but with time and consistency, it becomes a part of who you are and you grow to love it.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    my advice-stop being lazy

    you have a lot of excuses and not ONE of them is good. Get up off the sofa during commercials and do some calisthenics (push ups, sit ups, crunches, shadow boxing, butt kicks, skaters, etc) if you really want to change YOU WILL.

    I used to be one of those lazy is a choice. One day I made the choice to not be lazy. It was tough at not being lazy is the easiest choice that I make every day.

    That choice has changed my life. At 61 I am the fittest that I have ever been...well at least for a long long time. Last night for the first time in decades...I touched the floor with straight legs ( feet were about 2 feet apart...but in my world...that counts). I was elated!

    On occasions I workout with my 28 year old son....I out last him!! I am more flexable...and I don't whine as much! ( exercises are not as strenuous as his...but still...)
  • sprale
    sprale Posts: 117 Member
    If you have a mall or a big store near by, then when it is too cold outside to walk, you can walk around the mall/store. No need to buy anything; just walk around. That is something you can do with your kid, too.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    I have 4 kids, although they are all old enough to either hit the trail with me or stay at home with a teenager in charge of the 7 yo while I'm gone hiking or walking. I know it's cold, but don't let that be an excuse. I walk in the snow because I 'm committed to the dog and she's committed to walking. LOL! Bundle your 4 yo up and yourself up and head for the nearest playground. There's an elementary school somewhere closer than there is a gym, I'd bet. If it's close enough, walk there if not, drive. Then play your heart out with your child. You'll be exercising and giving your kid priceless memories. Once you've done this for several weeks two things will happen: spring will come and the weather will be warmer, making it more fun and easier to do the above and your husband will see that you are committed to exercising 3-4 times/week making a stationary bike or a treadmill seem like a more reasonable purchase. Good luck to you!!! You can do this!!!
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    I'm lazy too and get motivated by visualising (all the time) my ultimate goal. I also tend to do things I enjoy. It's about making yourself more active whilst avoiding eating too much (of everything - so you can eat nice stuff, too).

    Do you enjoy fresh air and outdoors? Go for a walk with some friends. Perhaps take up a sport whether it's tennis or something more extreme. It doesn't have to be in a formal setting. For instance, buy some £10 tennis rackets and a ball, head to your nearest park and knock the ball between you and a friend.
  • gmoneycole
    gmoneycole Posts: 813 Member
    #1 don't be lazy any more. Try lots of different activities inside and out and find out what you like and what time of day works best for you. Find something you enjoy and you feel terrific after doing it. With my workouts I enjoy them because of the way they make me feel when I'm done. Work something into your routine and you'll be happy you did! Good luck!
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Stop being lazy and making excuses. :grumble: :angry:
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    If someone was creative it seems to me that little ones can be part of weight training. If done with child safety in mind...picking up kids can be a workout.

    One could hold them and do twists at the waist...bends...straight leg deadlifts...all kinds of things. You get a workout...time with kids...and you teach them not to make excuses.

    When my child were little...if I got in the floor...they wanted to be there too. They thought it was play time.

    Oh...and then there is the "hop like bunnies" game.
  • rlw911
    rlw911 Posts: 475 Member
    Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds videos. They're basically walking in place, with added arm movements you can do with or without weights. You can buy them cheap at Walmart or she has quite a few free on her website.
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    Something that doesn't require a lot of time, space or money is "You Are Your Own Gym" by Mark Lauren. It's a book. Look it up. Use it. 30 min or less body weight workouts, I found when I did them my little one wanted to do it with me mimicking my movements. He also has an app if you have a smart phone or iphone which makes the program easier. Doesn't require jumping around so you don't have to worry about knocking the house down :laugh: I like it because the exercises are simple (not easy though), fast yet very effective. It's also progressive so you can always keep improving.

    Good luck! Just get up and do it!
  • babyjtwizt
    I was in the same boat 2 months ago and I just started walking. And music does take your mind off of it. I would leave my 2 year old with his dad and knock out a mile in 30 mins. Then I was lucky when it got cold because we have a walkstation at work where you and walk and work at the same time. That helped me reach 2 miles for the first time. You could always walk aroind at work or at the mall if its too cold. I will be adding exercise to my walks next month. And I am doing blogilates with cassy ho. Im excited.
  • lindsaymarcin
    lindsaymarcin Posts: 81 Member
    I like to play wii fit with the kids. Mine are age 4 and 7. We also have wii dance and kids dance. This not only gives me exercise and wears them out, but also gives us some quality time together :) I also don't care to walk outside when it is very cold so I go to our local mall and walk.
  • AndyRogan
    AndyRogan Posts: 195 Member
    Instead of buying weights, use the kids, lift them up high over your head, hold one out in front of you as long as possible then try to beat your time