Fizzy diet drinks- Do I really need to give them up?



  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
  • 1exercisefreak
    1exercisefreak Posts: 75 Member
    I use to drink diet dr pepper....caused my appetite to go up....Now I drink mostly water and diet cheerwine every now and again...
    diet cheerwine has no calories carbs.......
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    I can't imagine having a nice taco, pizza, or nachos - anything super salty, really - without my diet Coke. Sometimes I cut back for a while, because I do tend to eat less of the yummy crunchy salty stuff when there's no diet Coke to go with it.

    Sometimes I start drinking too much of the stuff and feeling dependent on it, so I decide I should cut back for a while because of the caffeine (plus I just don't like feeling addicted to anything). Cold-turkey withdrawal is a pain - nasty headaches for up to a week, but boyoboy do I catch up on a lot of sleep when I do it. Alternatives I've used successfully in the past include sweet herbal teas, sparkling cider, and cranberry juice cut with Perrier.

    But mostly I just enjoy it. So far, my head hasn't exploded and my bones don't seem to have crumbled to dust. YMMV.
  • FatOldBat
    FatOldBat Posts: 3,307 Member
    "Everything in moderation. Including moderation."
    ~Julia Child
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    one problem with diet sodas (besides the artificial sweetener, which can be harmful in large amounts) is this: they give you a sweet taste, which makes your brain expect sugar. Since there isn't any, the blood sugar doesn't go up as the brain expected and it causes a craving for the sugar that some people have trouble with. Soda is something that should probably be a sometimes treat, even if it is diet. There is an ingredient in soda that causes your body to leach calcium from your bones into the bloodstream, which can cause problems with bone density and osteoporosis, especially in women. Drink more water and juice, or milk and skip the soda unless it's for a special treat now and then.
    I've yet to see any peer-reviewed studies that indicated the above is true.

    Your body doesn't care if the hydration you're giving it is fizzy, or sweetened, or caffeinated.
  • wayander
    wayander Posts: 21 Member
    If it wasn't for Diet drinks i may not have loss weight. I would get so hungry and have no calories left so I drank diet drinks. they were my helpers and kept me going on my diet.

    i know they can cause a body problems, but so does being fat. I would some day in the future like to be soda free, but now is not my time.