Snacking help!!

AlisaToth Posts: 414 Member
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
I look forward to eating regular sized meals.To the point where as soon as i get done eating one meal, i start thinking about what i'm going to eat at my next meal...So to me, my 3 meals a day + dessert (which i will NEVER be able to give up so i "budget" it into my daily calories) are like a treat or reward...not sure for what...but it's like i get really excited when i look at my clock and realize i can go heat up my lunch or I can leave for work so that means it's almost breakfast time (I eat breakfast AND lunch at work) and getting off work just means i'm that much closer to dinner. I'm not starved, infact sometimes i forget to eat completely...i just enjoy eating.
So, i've been thinking about changing things up in my eating habits. Just so i don't get bored and fall off the wagon. I have decided to eat smaller portions and incoorperate a morning snack and an afternoon snack. I also want to do this to kinda jump start my motabolism and hopefully lose these last 9lbs!
My problem is: i am NOT a snacker! I just don't. So i don't even know where to begin with packing my snacks to take to work with me! I mean yogurt is good and i like it, but there is only so much yogurt i can eat! So what is your favorite snack? I need some ideas! I don't mind a little prep-work since i pack lunches for my son and I in the evenings anyway!


  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    Oh I so know what you mean. Except to be aware, when I did that I then began to just snack all the time. Not good , but it was like a signal in my brain saying its a snack, you are supposed to snack and so I ate to much.

    Great snacks are some nutsand dried fruit put into small baggies so you know how much you can have and what the calories are. Vegies and fruit are good and low in calories. Pickles or olives sometimes if sodium is not an issue. I even sometimes like hominy or garbanzo beans. I know they usually go in salads or what ever but they are tasty to eat plain as well.
  • jeforeverje
    jeforeverje Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I actually just started myfitnesspal today and decided to give it a try.......any who....As for the snack question....What works for me is grapes!!! Or any fruit for that matter....yogurt is good too........bananas seem to make me more content...... I'm barely trying this diet ......thing....or "lifestyle" change....I just started on Monday and today is Wednesday! LOL....but I'm determined to Change. Perhaps some low cal granola bars will do for you too?? Well, hope you give the fruit a try......:)
  • egbkid
    egbkid Posts: 164 Member
    my favorite snack is trail mix...i buy a bag of Planter's fruit and Nut, it is about 3.50 a bag and lasts two weeks or more since a serving is only 1/4 cup, which is plenty! I also take a granola bar once in awhile. I am lucky to work on the same street as our City Market, so on my break i pop in there and buy a few bananas every other day, or a pear, an apple, etc. I usually do not take any snacks that need to be refrigerated, i eat my yogurt for breakfast.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Snacks: honey wheat pretzels, almonds, Pria Bar, organic popcorn made with olive oil.
    Fruit - all fruit.
  • jeforeverje
    jeforeverje Posts: 7 Member
    I almost forgot....APPLESAUCE :smile:
  • 100 calories bags of popcorn are my favorite :smile:
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    rice cakes
  • megsta21
    megsta21 Posts: 506 Member
    My Fave snacks are:

    - Little bite muffins - 2 muffins (150 cals)
    - Sultanas and Mixed Unsalted peanuts
    - Carrot and celery sticks with Hummus
    - Fresh fruit is always a winner

  • jyt2573
    jyt2573 Posts: 80
    Snacks I have found helpful:
    Lance whole wheat crackers, 1/2 package = 90 cal
    String cheese = 60 cals of protein!
    Kellogg's Antioxidant Fiber Bar, for when I feel I simply HAVE to have a sweet
    1/2 whole wheat pita and hummus
    Whole grain english muffin with Smucker's spreadable fruit and/or light whipped cream cheese
    Veggies dipped in light sour cream mixed with ranch dressing
    1/2 small bagel under the broiler with 100 cals of a great, sharp cheddar cheese
    Frozen fruit blended with diet cranberry juice for a quick smoothie (Gotta love the magic bullet!)
    4-8 Triscuits (depending on size) with 2 wedges of laughing Cow light cheese
    Yoplait 100 cal yogurt
    3 cups air-popped popcorn with butter spray, garlic powder and parmesean cheese

    Good luck!!!

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