Les Mills Combat

I am so excited, I just ordered this and it's coming next Tuesday. I love LM Pump and I have done Turbo Fire, I also have T25 but I hate it, it's not for me. It's not fun and it hurts (not after it's over but during, blech).

So, who has Combat and do you love it? I love Rach, so I am hoping it's as much fun as it looks.


  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    If it's anything like Body Combat, I'm sure it'll be good fun. Looks bloody knackering, though. :laugh:
  • bahls24
    bahls24 Posts: 32 Member
    I do the class at the gym when i can i love it
  • 2bikini
    2bikini Posts: 1 Member
    I've done it for years at a club and own the DVD's as well - it is great! The nice thing about the DVD's (other than of course that you don't need to go to a gym!) is the different length options. I can still get my Combat "fix" in a 30 minute workout!
  • Erihppas
    Erihppas Posts: 121 Member
    They offer it at my gym. It's definitely my all time favorite class! I used to take a step class which was high intensity, which I loved, but when I moved I looked for a substitute. Body Combat was it!

    I may not be where I want to be yet, but I can tell a difference! I sometimes have to run up several flights of stairs to respond to emergencies, and I notice that while the other person is huffing and puffing, I am able to carry on a full convo after we've reached the landing!

    It's so much fun and you WILL sweat! :)
  • currlee
    currlee Posts: 395 Member
    I am coming up on the end of the second week. After doing Insanity all year I had reached a frustrating plateau. After the first week I broke thru that, even though it was the holidays and I was eating cookies and fudge and not following the nutrition guide. My shoulders and butt already feel more sculpted. It's nice to feel new soreness. The length of the workouts works so much better for me; waking up with enough time for an hr workout before work every morning was getting harder and harder. Most of these are 30 min. I've also done a 60min one. There is a 45min one, but I haven't done it yet. Insanity is a lot faster paced and so getting into this rhythm took a minute, but I love these workouts so far! I also did TF, last year before Combat came out, because of the amount of kicks and punches....Combat takes out the dancing and has up to date music, lol.
  • I just finished the Combat 30 workout and it is all that I hoped it would be. I love Les Mills stuff, like probably more than a person should. Now I wish I had picked a longer workout, there is always the next time. I love love love it! I even love it more than Turbo Fire which is just weird because I LOVE TurboFire.

    Thank you all for your responses.