I am afraid to enter actual weight...



  • gbbhey
    gbbhey Posts: 188
    i agree with angela. everyone joined this site for a reason. Whether we like to admit it or not. I know the people on my friend's list are all supportive and if i were to gain weight, they would do nothing but support me and help me get back to where i was before and stay on track to my actual goals.

    but all in all, it is all up to you. you know what you will respond to best. keep up the good work and remember. no one is here to judge you!
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    i only change the "weigh-in" if i lose. LOL
    so sometimes i'm up for weeks, but i don't change it.
    if i did..that would depress me so much.

    Me too! I weigh in everyday and only record a loss. If I'm up, I just leave it be.

    And me! Right now I'm 3/4 of a lb up due to it being totm, but there's no way I'm going to record that because I know it'll be gone in a few days. Unless I've been really naughty and I know I've over eatten enough to be putting fat back on (not happened yet) then I put it down to natural fluctuations.
  • loopybec2002
    loopybec2002 Posts: 313 Member
    So today I am facing this Problem last night was my offical weigh in and Im up a pound I can't bring my self to change it because TOM is around the corner and Im thinking I know its that!! Im looking at my ticker and its making me feel guity because I don't change it. Last night I had done extra exercise like a whole hour extra to what i normally do because I couldn't stand it saying a pound more. So do I change it or do I just feel guilty all week about not changing it?
  • So today I am facing this Problem last night was my offical weigh in and Im up a pound I can't bring my self to change it because TOM is around the corner and Im thinking I know its that!! Im looking at my ticker and its making me feel guity because I don't change it. Last night I had done extra exercise like a whole hour extra to what i normally do because I couldn't stand it saying a pound more. So do I change it or do I just feel guilty all week about not changing it?

    Hmm excellent question! As much as i would hate it, i think the best way is to change it and write a note nxt to it. So you are being true to yourself. After all its what the scale said. that being said..if you don't change your ticker..then you subcontinent will know..and you'll feel guilty and honestly you don't wanna feel like that alllllll weeeek longgg! Why stress about it?! So i think you should write about it ..and we will all comment and support you ..and tell you what, sometimes we add a lil because of TOM and then at the nxt weigh in..its like if our body catches up and we lose even MORE! I had that happen. a week where i didn't lose anything and i got so depressed about it and then the following week i would had lost almost 3 pounds! So it's up to you really =) But no matter what, we're on your side!!!
  • jac2lyn
    jac2lyn Posts: 90
    I am really really strict with myself about the scale. If I weigh in everyday then I become way to obsessed. It took me forever (literally) before I could do this but I weigh in once a week and it is every Thursday morning. Not sure why but that is the day I chose. The scale stays in my bathroom at all times staring at me but now it does not faze me. I know that every Thursday i will get on their and see what my true weight is.

    I record each week what my weight is up or down.
  • kendra1976
    kendra1976 Posts: 90 Member
    i only change the "weigh-in" if i lose. LOL
    so sometimes i'm up for weeks, but i don't change it.
    if i did..that would depress me so much.

    This is me. If I gain more than a pound, I do change it though. It makes me accountable for my actions though.
  • rose1617
    rose1617 Posts: 469 Member
    i only change the "weigh-in" if i lose. LOL
    so sometimes i'm up for weeks, but i don't change it.
    if i did..that would depress me so much.

    I thought I was the only one who did this :laugh: Thanks for your honesty!
    Most of the time it's sodium or TOM, not actual weight that I've gained, so I don't feel right changing it to record a higher number anyway.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,999 Member
    I weigh daily, and I change my ticker if my weight has changed and is the same two days in a row, whether it's up or down. I don't see the sense in playing games by lying to myself. It's not like I wouldn't know the truth even if my ticker was wrong, so what's the point?
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    Does anyone else have this problem?

    I actually ROUND-UP my weight when I log it into MFP because I am afraid of sliding back up... and then I'd have to enter the new higher weight.... and everyone would say "look at her, she's slacking" when really its just my time of month/bad week at work/family in town, etc.

    Last I checked (guilty of checking almost daily), I was 1-2lbs LESS than my posted weight, but I'm still hesitant to adjust it. Does anyone else round-up or am I overly neurotic?

    I used to put in whole numbers when I weighed myself and, like you, I rounded up. However, I used to notice on my wall when I logged in that some of my friends would have something like "blah blah has lost 0.4lbs since his/her last weigh-in....."

    That was when I realised fractions of a pound could be put in and I would no longer have to round up (or down if desired) but I could put in the exact weight.

    Don't bother rounding up or down, just put in the exact weight :flowerforyou:
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