30 day shred and couch to 5k?

I am trying to find a workout plan that is effective for me and optimum for fat loss. Clearly, I am just starting out. Would it be a good idea to do the couch to 5k and 30 day shred both at the same time?


  • keykey48
    keykey48 Posts: 51 Member
    I don't know anyone that's done the 30 day shred but know a few people who've done couch to 5k and liked it. from my experience with boot camp and running you should be able to alternate days, one day the shred workout and the next the running workout. if you do both, let me know how it goes.
  • Roz2889
    Roz2889 Posts: 71 Member
    That's exactly the combination I did when I started working out. Found 30 day shred was good to get me in the mind set to go out and run, also in the winter it was much easier going out the front door to run as I was already hot from the DVD.

    30 day shred isn't amazing for fat loss but found it a really good way to increase fitness to then be able to tackle tougher things like insanity. Also couch to 5k is an amazing program as I could barely run a minute when I started and followed the plan exactly and was easily running for 30 minutes at the end.

    Good luck with both!
  • bobbijodmb
    bobbijodmb Posts: 463 Member
    I agree with what someone has said before- on alternative days. I think its a great job!
  • littlelexical
    littlelexical Posts: 146 Member
    *grin* I am starting both of these in unison too!

    I grabbed active wear pants & sports bra today - as i am NOT doing this in jeans, or track suit pants in 45 degree weather! And i took some time out to watch the first level of the 30 day shred this morning too... I find watching it before attempting it the first time, sees my first time work out a little more productive.

    Im terrified - at over 100kg (200lbs) having already lost a lot without exercise & having a heart condition - But - this time feels different - I actually feel ready & hungry to exercise... every other time has been too easy to blame not exercising on my health... :/ strange huh? I figure if i can only do even half of each of these steps to start with, or 1/3rd or a 1/4 - its still more than I am doing now & I can work on building it up :)
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I'm guessing you could do both together because they will mainly use different muscle groups :-) Take it easy though - warm up properly and don't skimp on the (gentle) stretching afterwards
  • Vex3521
    Vex3521 Posts: 385 Member
    C25k is a great program. Never tried 30 day shred though.