Fibro and meno OH JOY

010114 is right around the corner. I have fibro and menopausal at 44. Inactivity due to pain is my biggest downfall but I know that without exercise and weight loss this is just going to get worse. This is not the life I always dreamed of and I have so many things I want to do! I have been on MFP before but found it frustrating to "keep up" with other people who seemed to manage to get in (in my mind) crazy amounts of exercise that I just could not manage with my fibro, and I watched as other people were posting their weigh loss and I was struggling so much, so I would get frustrated and just stop logging in. Im in a new place now and realizing that I must do things at a pace that allows me to move but does not leave me in misery for days. I now have 100 big ones to lose and no idea how long this will take me. If anyone out there can relate and in the off chance faces the same or similar challenges, Im just looking for a partner who can relate. I am not looking for someone to cry to or with but more looking for solutions that work so that ultimately I can make some of my dreams become reality and have a success story of my own :)
