Looking for MFP friends

I am 27, a student in veterinary school, and a wildlife rehabilitator. I've been working out 3 days a week for the past 2 months and looking for friends to help me get on track with my food choices and keep on track with the working out.

I am a really picky eater- I like everything plain, no mixing of foods, and not a big meat eater, but also don't like a lot of vegetables. Pretty much everything I eat is carbs and the only way I've been successful at losing weight in the past is cutting carbs, but literally all of my favorite foods are high carb items and I eventually get sick of low carb foods and give in to the carbs. Friends that are also picky and have some low carb ideas to share would be awesome.

I have gained 5 pounds since starting to work out with no change in eating habits, if anything I've been cutting back. I'm 5'10" and weigh 195 lbs so I don't have a ton of weight to lose, but definitely do NOT want to go over the 200 lb. mark.

Since I rehab, I am really busy in the summer and pretty active cleaning and caring for the baby creatures, but then in the winter there are no creatures and I get bored and am not very active. Vet school doesn't make getting healthy any easier. We are in class 6-8 hours a day and then weekends are spent studying 10+ hours a day. I tend not to study during the week much, though, and have been using that time to swim and jog on the treadmill. I LOVE swimming and usually do 100 laps (down=1 back =2) in an hour and 10 minutes. I HATE jogging, but can do 3 miles in 33 minutes. Some of my friends and I are going to do a fitness class at school and one of my friends has started swimming with me. So, I shouldn't have much trouble keeping motivated to work out, but really could use some help to get me motivated to eat healthy.