Injured Ankles Trying to Stay Fit.

Ok so apparently I've managed to strain both of my ankles while doing my daily runs this week and now it is EXCRUCIATING to even walk. I don't want to let my fitness and training progress lag and deteriorate while I'm resting them because I don't want to hurt myself even more.

Are there any other workouts that can yield a relatively high or adequate calorie burn that don't involve my ankles a whole lot?


  • I have the same problem! Only, my ankle pain is permanent. Every day is something, I can't run, I can barely walk, (If so, I limp) and so on. I just don't run at all, and only walk slow pace. Just trotting will hurt my ankle some how.

    I guess for exercise purposes, do some sit ups while someone holds your feet.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    A week or two rest won't significantly effect your fitness. Rest those ankles
  • _jayciemarie_
    _jayciemarie_ Posts: 574 Member
  • kjm3579
    kjm3579 Posts: 3,974 Member
    I injured both ankles last year running. The first injury was to my left ankle which was swollen and so painful I could hardly walk on it. I used a stick roller on my leg and foot and wrapped the ankle each day and in less than 2 weeks it was healed. The right ankle is another story! I was training for the Broad Street Run and went out for a 9 mile training run the day before Easter in March. I ran about half the distance and was not feeling well so I stopped for a break and when I went to start running again I was in so much pain in both legs and especially the right ankle. I did a combo of walk and run to get back home and put ice on it for a while. I was hardly swollen at all and was more painful when wrapped so I just took it easy and iced it when at home. However, after several months of not being able to run on it I began to look at other options - and the least favorable of those options was going to the podiatrist for treatment. I came across an article on Bikram yoga for healing athletic injuries and began to believe that would help me. While I was debating starting it I found a Groupon offer and decided to grab it. I have been doing Bikram now for about 6 months and still have a little pain now and again in the ankle. I can run on it now (have just started back doing 1-1.9 mile runs so far) and have found just how weak some of my body is while doing the various poses in each class. I'm presently using Bikram as a form of cross training while I get back to running hoping to be ready for Broad Street this spring. Maybe you would want to give a Bikram class a try as well!