close to goal or much exercise a day?

I have lost 87 pounds so far. I'm pretty close to goal. I want to lose maybe 15 more pounds. I have a lot of toning to do, from loose skin, etc. I really feel like for the past 3 months I have over done it working out. I'm really burnt out and I feel like i'm not working as hard anymore. It started when I added in weight training. Plus I started running. I have been running 5 miles a day, 5 days a week, and weight training on top of that an hour a day 4 days a week. Add in another day for zumba, and a rest day. So, you see it's mostly 2 hours at the gym a day, sometimes 3. Way too much I think. Would it be ok to just do 1 one hour a day workout? Such as i'll just do zumba, or just run 5 miles, or just do weight training or body pump? Do you think i'd start gaining or stop losing if I lower my exercise down to just 1 workout a day? What is your opinion on dividing cardio days and weight days? How many days should I keep running so I don't lose that stamina?


  • disney_girl125
    disney_girl125 Posts: 24 Member
    Anyone? Opinions?
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    I lift for 45 minutes three days a week. Sometimes I run for 30 minutes once or twice a week (not to maintain weight, just to keep up with running).

    If you are working out more than an hour a day 6-7 days a week you are trying to do too much.
  • ba502
    ba502 Posts: 54 Member
    I can't really answer your question, but I have to say wow that's a lot of exercise each day and not much rest for your body. Maybe adjust BOTH your diet and exercise to something that you can sustain for life. I'm not a fitness expert, but I have read lots of postings on this site saying that weight lost and/or maintenance happens with diet - exercise is an added benefit for your body and health. Kudos to you for maintaining that fitness pace for 3 months .
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    change up your routine-keep it fun and challenging. When you stick to one particular routine your body adapts and doesn't continue to change.

    and honestly there is no reason for you to workout as mush as you are. Give yourself 2 full rest days a week. Then define your goals, if its strength, lift 3 days of the 5 and do cardio the other 2 days.

    burn out does happen-take a week, rest, reboot and put together a fresh new plan that will help motivate you again.

    good luck
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    I have lost 87 pounds so far. I'm pretty close to goal. I want to lose maybe 15 more pounds. I have a lot of toning to do, from loose skin, etc. I really feel like for the past 3 months I have over done it working out. I'm really burnt out and I feel like i'm not working as hard anymore. It started when I added in weight training. Plus I started running. I have been running 5 miles a day, 5 days a week, and weight training on top of that an hour a day 4 days a week. Add in another day for zumba, and a rest day. So, you see it's mostly 2 hours at the gym a day, sometimes 3. Way too much I think. Would it be ok to just do 1 one hour a day workout? Such as i'll just do zumba, or just run 5 miles, or just do weight training or body pump? Do you think i'd start gaining or stop losing if I lower my exercise down to just 1 workout a day? What is your opinion on dividing cardio days and weight days? How many days should I keep running so I don't lose that stamina?

    you do a lot. no wonder you're tired.

    let me ask you, why do you want to keep that stamina? are you training for a half-marathon or something?

    as far as splitting work outs, rule of thumb is to do strength training three days a week (e.g. m-w-f) and cardio on say tuesday, thursday, saturday.