

My name is Bobbi. I live in the Kansas City, MO area. I love my dog, reading, family time, and visiting my boyfriend in Colorado. The main reason that I am embarking on this journey is to get healthy. I'm 25 years old and have been overweight all my life, not a unique story, that's probably where a lot of us are coming from. I want to get down to a healthy weight for my height (5'7) and stay there. My goal is to lose half of myself hehe. I'm currently at about 304, it's the middle of the day so I'm sure the day has not been kind to me. My goal is to lose 100 pounds by October because Robert has a surprise trip planned for us!!! I'm hoping tropical, I've never vacationed on a beach. I am really comfortable with my body the way I am. Thankfully, I am healthy regardless of my weight, however I am still young and want to change while I still can. I'm not talking 100%percent about metabolism change, because that is a realistic future factor, I'm talking about my desire to have children and be here for them.

Robert is hoping to lose 25 pounds and seeing that we are long distance, for the time being, I am looking for other support. Truthfully, he doesn't really need to lose weight, but ever since I expressed my desire to do so, he has been behind me 100%. He is 200 pounds, but he's also 6'3 so he looks good to me! That being said, I support him just as much as he supports me. He and I met while he was working here and were able to spend 6 months together before he moved on to another location. During his time here we dined out a lot and that's probably where his 25 pounds came from, although he would never admit it because we owe that time to the development of a foundation that allows us to remain apart during this time.

To jump start our weight loss, we have purchased Isagenix. I have heard a lot of reviews that say good and bad things about the 30 day program. I didn't really look into the program much before he purchased it, so I have decided to just dive in head first and accept the challenges. I am new to this whole calorie counting, healthy eating, and holding myself accountable. Growing up with a single mother, I didn't have the best food options because working was where her head was at. Now she is on her own weight loss journey after a failed gastric bypass surgery. Well it didn't fail, she didn't change her habits. I committed to myself that I would never take to surgery as a means to lose weight. This journey that I'm embarking on is necessary because I want to learn how to care for my own body and pass it on to my babies. Like I said, I love my body, I would stay this way and be happy, until illness crept in and stole my life away. Well, I would be giving it away so I'm ready for change.

Exercise wise, I love water aerobics and take classes at my local community center twice a week. Mom and I are also looking at adding an evening Zumba class twice a week, so that would definitely up my cardio for the week. I happen to be the youngest in my water aerobics class by 40 years, but that's not an issue to me. I've always loved older people and it's fun to see them have fun. As the temperature's warm up, I plan to resume walking my dog for thirty minutes a day. We know which roads in the neighborhood meet that distance by heart. I want to work up to running five k's, but right now running more than two minutes isn't doable. I know that my journey is going to take time, but I'm prepared to fight and plan to look back on these words often for belief in myself. Hopefully I will also find others on here with similar stories.

Thanks for reading and continued success!!!


  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Welcome !! Glad you're on a game plan and your mom and boyfriend are on their own journeys.