Late night workouts

riotthyme Posts: 13 Member
edited September 18 in Fitness and Exercise
I've found that recently I don't have the motivation to work out in the morning, but more so right before I go to bed. Sometimes as late as 11 at night. I was wondering if anyone knew of anything I should watch out for, be aware of, etc....Should I just eat extra calories during the day so I really do exercise at night?


  • riotthyme
    riotthyme Posts: 13 Member
    I've found that recently I don't have the motivation to work out in the morning, but more so right before I go to bed. Sometimes as late as 11 at night. I was wondering if anyone knew of anything I should watch out for, be aware of, etc....Should I just eat extra calories during the day so I really do exercise at night?
  • Maribela86
    Maribela86 Posts: 11 Member
    I always want to work out at night but I'm afraid I'll be energized afterwards. Let me know you if you get tired or energized from those late night workouts...
  • charny164
    charny164 Posts: 175 Member
    When its nice out during the summer I run (jog really) at around 10pm when the sun is going down. The problem is that I feel great afterwards and it takes a long time to settle down and fall asleep.
    What about setting your exercise time for around 9 until 10? Not sure your schedule but a shower and unwind until 11 might work?????
  • Laguapa
    Laguapa Posts: 58
    My personal trainer told me that its best to work out in the mornings. I do both--some days I get up at 5AM and go before work and other days I go after work.

    In the mornings I just put my workout clothes right next to my bed--then I know that I have already worked out and I dont have to worry about "something coming up" or being too tired.l Just try it a couple days:
  • bigred1
    bigred1 Posts: 31
    i like to work out after work around 4 or 5 pm .then i unwind form the day.:smile::smile: :smile:
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