Juicing... Your thoughts!



  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    I don't drink juices. It is better to eat the actual fuit. Juices are absorbed rather than the fruit which is digested.
    Well, juices are digested as well, but the sugars do get into the bloodstream faster without the slowing effect of the fiber on digestion.
  • Its totally up to you if you wanna give it a go. Just see how your feeling each day. You may get a headache in the beginning. Its nice that you've got her to help you and advice you. Do it for as long as you feel comfortable and see if you feel better after doing it for a few days. If you don't enjoy it, or feel awful then stop and go back to eating as healthy as you can. But, i do know some people that do it a couple times a year and swear by it. As long as it doesn't become a life long habit. Which i'm sure it won't . you know your body better than anyone else, so, you'll be the best judge of whether its working for you. :)
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Just... No. It's NOT healthy, it's not a good idea. You miss out on protein, fat, fiber, and a ton of nutrients that the juicer leaves in the actual fruit.

    What are you trying to detox? I'm guessing you have a liver and at least one kidney, and they do all the "detoxing" the human body needs (it's kind of their function.)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    How are you planning on getting enough protein, fats and fiber?
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
  • jweindruch
    jweindruch Posts: 65 Member
    Juicing is fantastic! I'm not sure about limiting your entire diet just to juice. You can get the detox benefits from juicing even while eating. Keep in mind it's a good idea to keep your juices more on the vegetable side. I would limit each juice to 1 fruit - 2 max. Cilantro and Parsley are great leafy vegetables to add if you're interested in detox. Here are some of the things I like to juice:

    Kale, cucumber, carrot, apple, ginger, cilantro, parsley
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    How are you planning on getting enough protein, fats and fiber?

    This would be my question as well.

    To the person above who mentioned that vegans do it-- yes, vegans can get enough of these nutrients. However, they don't do it with juice only.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    The two IRL ppl I know who recently did this kind of thing felt miserable in the later days. One of them cheated during her meal with me. The other one didn't but complained the whole hour and half I spent with her and admitted her days were torturous and she was hardly able to do her regular routine.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Hi everyone,

    My host mum does juicing a lot, she is really fit and healthy and just loves juicing, she says it makes her feel good!
    She's about to do a 7 day juicing detox, and i'm going todo it with her. You have 5 juices a day. It's not like slimfast or those shakes, you put the fruit in the machine and get all the good nutrients out of it.

    I have read some mixed reviews about how people have felt doing this and my host dad tried and failed!! We are started on Thursday to kick off the year! I really want to be prepared and know what to expect so I have more chance of completing.

    Just wanted people's opinions on it and experiences! Any tips for sticking to it and not eating!! And cheating!!!!
    I love my juicer, and I do make fresh juice to have as a snack or meal. I would never do just juicing for seven days because

    (1) there is no reason to detox because your body naturally detoxes itself
    (2) It's better to eat the majority of your fruits and vegetables for the fiber
    (3) You will miss the important nutrients you get through you other foods and whole veggies and fruits.
    (4) I'd get too darned hungry and probably get the not-so-bright idea to binge
  • tatiianag13
    tatiianag13 Posts: 76 Member
    If you are reasonably health, juice fasting won't hurt you. If human beings were that vulnerable to death and destruction by not getting the perfect macros for a few days, we wouldn't have survived. The alarmism on this site takes the cake!

    As to whether it will be helpful to you in anyway--maybe. I've done various kinds of detoxes as a way of changing my health habits. I think of them as lifestyle detoxes. Eating very simply for a few days, avoiding animal food and added fat. These have been very helpful to my state of mind: building awareness, breaking bad habits, and changing my palate. These regimens can be very powerful ways of changing your state of mind.

    But if you think of them as changing your body in some magical way--probably not. They can change your body, but not in a magical way--just in an ordinary way. In the way that improved nutrition does. Or reduced calories can. Which, as many people have already attested to, can be done in ways that allow you to eat. I have tried literally juicing--I didn't care for it. I have also tried blended fruit/veggie drinks in a blender--which is what many people mean when they say "juicing" these days. That--I absolutely adore! Lots of fruit and veg and all the fiber. (and quite a bit easier, to boot)

    For myself, I don't juice fast, blended or otherwise. I add them to my regular diet. Because when I get hungry, I like to chew. Even with added fat and protein, I don't prefer to drink my meals.

    I think patience and moderation is key in all things. Try it for one day. Or try it just for 2 meals and then eat a normal dinner. Take a page from the religious ascetics who fast regularly--they don't start out all at once. They build up to it.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member

    ...to find out which toxins are being eliminated in this detox that wouldn't otherwise be eliminated by the body while still eating food.

    You don't have to name all of them...just one. Please, OP, just give the name of *ONE* toxin. Thanks in advance. :flowerforyou:
  • bjshields
    bjshields Posts: 677 Member
    I tried it and felt so bad, I could not get through one day. I do juice as part of a healthy diet, but not *as* the diet itself.

    If you are serious about it, try going to http://www.rebootwithjoe.com/ and get info on recipes, etc. It's the guy who did the Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead DVD. Good luck to you whatever you decide to do! :drinker:
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I think you should just do what you want to do.

    Its only seven days and if you can handle it I say go for it.

    At a macro level, this kind of advice is ridiculously dangerous.
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    How are you planning on getting enough protein, fats and fiber?

    This would be my question as well.

    To the person above who mentioned that vegans do it-- yes, vegans can get enough of these nutrients. However, they don't do it with juice only.
    All juicing does is remove the fiber. The nutrients remain. The protein in the plants doesn't get left behind. There are plants with fat, too. Nuts, seeds, avocados, coconut, olives, etc. are full of fat. Though eating a low fat, low fiber diet for one week would have little effect on anyone. Eating nothing for one week would have little effect on anyone. When you're sick, the body often loses its appetite, to use that energy for recovery instead. We're adapted to store nutrients so we don't have to eat constantly. The body can also synthesize most nutrients within itself, from other amino acids.

    This place is incredibly alarmist.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    How are you planning on getting enough protein, fats and fiber?

    This would be my question as well.

    To the person above who mentioned that vegans do it-- yes, vegans can get enough of these nutrients. However, they don't do it with juice only.
    All juicing does is remove the fiber. The nutrients remain. The protein in the plants doesn't get left behind. There are plants with fat, too. Nuts, seeds, avocados, coconut, olives, etc. are full of fat. Though eating a low fat, low fiber diet for one week would have little effect on anyone. Eating nothing for one week would have little effect on anyone. When you're sick, the body often loses its appetite, to use that energy for recovery instead. We're adapted to store nutrients so we don't have to eat constantly. The body can also synthesize most nutrients within itself, from other amino acids.

    This place is incredibly alarmist.

    I was asking the OP how *they* intend to get it. No alarmism. Just asking questions and not making assumptions.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    If you are reasonably health, juice fasting won't hurt you. If human beings were that vulnerable to death and destruction by not getting the perfect macros for a few days, we wouldn't have survived. The alarmism on this site takes the cake!

    There is a HUGE difference between what's necessary for survival, and what's required for optimum health. Yes humans could survive on all kinds of nutritionally inadequate diets if they had to. But you'll get better health, vitality and body composition from eating a balanced diet that contains all the nutrients that the human body needs in adequate quantities. Going without certain nutrients for a short time of course won't hurt you..... but there''s no benefit to it either and your body's going to function better with adequate nutrition.... Influenza isn't going to harm a reasonably healthy person, but it's an inconvenience most people can do without...

    the dichotomous thinking on this site takes the cake, several pies, all of the biscuits and puts its feet on the furniture and doesn't clean up after itself.