Feeling Better Than This Time Last Year?



  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    I only lost 17lbs, but I feel soooo much better about myself now.
  • padams2359
    padams2359 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Great to hear positive things. Sounds like after Christmas weight loss PROBLEMS are someone else's problem. Some of us still have a litte more to go, but that is better than not having left the station, or worse yet, not found the train.
  • KMiYong
    KMiYong Posts: 130 Member
    this time last year I was hopeless. I thought I'd never lose this weight, because I gained everything I lost after starving myself for around half a year. This time around I'm determined to do something, and I know that by this time next year, I'll be happy with my looks, will wear nice dresses and cute super short shorts, and look back and be proud of myself for doing it :)
  • JustMeee333
    90+% of us are better than where we were at this time last year. I think many people are dwelling on the 2 to 5 lbs gained over the 2013 holidays, but not thinking about where they were at this time last year.
    Great post OP, Thank you!

    This time last year losing weight hadn't even crossed my mind. It's not until February '13 I started, and since then I am down 110lb. I really hope 2014 continues the success of 2013, and hopefully more. As I know I need to make changes in other aspects of my life too, to be happy emotionally, aswell as physically better. :flowerforyou:
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    i don't even remember this time last year?

    what i do know is that i would never have tried running and now i'm doing couch 2 5k. now i know I can deadlift and last year I couldn't. i lost some weight. My arms are bigger since I inadvertently did a "bulk" while lifting to supposedly protect my muscles from weight loss while at a deficit but then when my deficit took a hit but my lifting didn't i got more biceps. i wish you could see them. they are there i see the shape under the fat. my butt got weird though. it started getting bigger like muscle wise but then at some point it got saddle bagsey and that's not cool. IDK what's gonna happen next but I sure am STRONGER! I love it. To death!
  • cathylopez1975
    cathylopez1975 Posts: 191 Member
    I am down 41 lbs from this time last year, for a total of 88 lbs. lost since Sept. 2012. I feel lighter on my feet :smile: for one thing. When my 2 year old grandson runs, I can keep up with him. I can follow him on the monkey bars and go down the slides with him. I have learned to play again - my inner child has come out from behind all of the extra weight.

    I'm looking forward to losing a couple more pounds and building muscle in 2014.
  • hoyalawya2003
    hoyalawya2003 Posts: 631 Member
    I am down 23 lbs from last year (started trying to lose in July). Now my pants that were too tight are falling off! Still a long way to go, but I plan to keep on losing next year.

    Not only have I lost weight, but I have joined a gym, returned to horseback riding after 7+ years away, and begun the c25k program. I just realized it has been 23 years since I tried to jog/run!! I hope to finish the program and then move on to a weightlifting program (probably stronglifts). Looking forward to an amazing 2014!
  • DesireeNL
    DesireeNL Posts: 220 Member
    My weight loss journey has been a long one and I'm not there yet. But this year I've made some good progress :-)

    In 2013:

    I lost about 8kg/18lbs (total lost since highest 21kg/46lbs)
    I finally reached a healthy BMI for the first time in about 13 years.
    I went from couch potato to getting more active, and hiked a total of 230km/143mi.
    I joined a gym and started a weight lifting program.
    I wore a dress for the first time in over 10 years (and bought 4 of them to add to my wardrobe).

    2014 is about getting in better shape, lifting weights, hiking and probably another attempt at c25k.
  • sanjoparolas
    sanjoparolas Posts: 557 Member
    Congratulations everyone on your wonderful progress! I have lost 25 lbs,in 2013, some of which I had lost and gained a few times before but I finally achieved a healthy BMI range. I would like to be strong and healthy and reduce my body fat percentage in 2014.
  • Forever4me
    Forever4me Posts: 76 Member
    Yes, I'm feeling much better than last year! I'm a work in progress. Always will be. I injured my knee this fall, which really affected my workouts, and a back-slid a little bit. But considering my workouts and tracking were spotty for a couple of months, I only gained back a couple of pounds, which tells me I learned a lot about what my body needs and how to still make healthier choices. Although my weight progress isn't what I wanted, I am proud of what I've accomplished in 2013. I am celebrating all that I've learned in the past year. I'm a single mom of 3 kids that I have the majority of the time. I know we are all busy, but I was putting my kids, friends and family first, and finally realized (3) critical things that have changed my life.

    1. No one will take care of me but ME. It's not easy to take care of other people, so it doesn't mean it will be easy to take care of me, but I deserve it. I deserve the time it takes to cook healthy and plan my food and to workout.

    2. Life is all about choices and decisions and the attitude we take towards them. Our health is part of our life - so I am blessed that I get to make choices over and over again. So if I choose the cupcake, I get the choice later to eat fruit or veggies or workout more. Everyone has said that this needs to be a lifestyle change, but it never truly clicked for me until this year. I am a perfectionist, so judged myself on how "perfect" my day was (rarely, if ever), so then always beat myself up when I wasn't, and shocker, I never made any lasting progress. Once I took this new attitude of choices, it was an immediate change that was life-altering. It's not about willpower vs guilt & deprivation or failure vs success...each moment we get to choose to alter the course of our life...we get to make a new choice.

    3. Who cares how long it takes me if I never have to lose it again?

    2013 has brought huge emotional and mental changes in my life; 2014 will end, and I will have a body I can be proud of!
  • goalss4nika
    goalss4nika Posts: 529 Member
    Thanks for asking!

    I feel so much better than I did this time of the year last year. I am 49lbs lighter and happy about my accomplishment. Congrats to everyone who has made a positive change in their journey :flowerforyou:
  • JamieG8991
    JamieG8991 Posts: 1,203 Member
    Before pic was Christmas last year, I had just started MFP a month before so I was still a work in progress. I weighed 170 and I wanted to dress up and feel good about myself, but all of my clothes were still snug and since I was in the process of losing weight, I didn't want to buy anything new. I cried because I felt so bad about myself and I DIDN'T want my picture taken.
    My after pic is Christmas this year and I have now lost 35 pounds and I was wearing a new outfit, make up and even took the time to curl my hair!! lol and I felt SO great about myself!!! :bigsmile:

    You look great. I LOVE your hair.
    Thank you! It's VERY thick!!
  • JamieG8991
    JamieG8991 Posts: 1,203 Member
    Before pic was Christmas last year, I had just started MFP a month before so I was still a work in progress. I weighed 170 and I wanted to dress up and feel good about myself, but all of my clothes were still snug and since I was in the process of losing weight, I didn't want to buy anything new. I cried because I felt so bad about myself and I DIDN'T want my picture taken.
    My after pic is Christmas this year and I have now lost 35 pounds and I was wearing a new outfit, make up and even took the time to curl my hair!! lol and I felt SO great about myself!!! :bigsmile:
    I just wanted to say that you looked good before and after. :)
    Thanks :bigsmile:
  • xxghost
    xxghost Posts: 4,697 Member
    I am at the same exact weight I was at this time last year. But you know what? I don't consider that a failure. I can run/bike a lot faster/longer than I could 365 days ago. I can survive an entire spin class or hot yoga session, which I couldn't do back then. I can lift more. Overeating may have made me gain back the 20 pounds I lost over 2013, but my continued gym sessions have kept me in better shape. I have the drive and the workout habits. 2014 will be all about getting my eating under control. I have a very good feeling about this year though. :)
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    This time last year, I would huff and puff up the stairs. I was constantly getting sick and felt like crap.


    I've lost 9kg and I can take those stairs two at a time and a running jump and no loss of breath. Hell, I can carry a sleeping 20+kg child up the stairs to bed no worries.

    I can kayak for hours and help lift them onto the roof of the car at the end of the day.

    My blood sugar levels are now perfect, I feel awesome and rarely get sick - even my migraines have settled down to one every few months (hormonal triggers only now!). I can run, I can jump, I can swim, I can keep up with my over-active children. It's all insanely good.
  • Shuuma
    Shuuma Posts: 465 Member
    I just started 45 days ago, but I'm down 21 lbs, many inches, and feel much better physically and mentally. I am so encouraged by the posts here and in November 2014, I want to be one of these wonderful success stories!

    Happy New Year!
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    I just started 45 days ago, but I'm down 21 lbs, many inches, and feel much better physically and mentally.

    I want to be one of these wonderful success stories!
    You already are. 3 lbs. a week is amazing!
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    Feeling pretty similar.
  • ohaston
    ohaston Posts: 218 Member
    I feel a lot better! My ankles don't hurt when Im in walmart with my Mother-in-law for 3+ hrs.( she sits in a scooter, while I walk around on those freaking concrete floors) ! ! ! O U C H

    My energy is "thru the roof" ... and PLEASE FORGIVE ME FOR BEING GRAPHIC, Sex is soooo much better (luv you hubby). Who knew that all that weight could really hinder a "good time"!
    I have 54 more LBS to go ... Ive been goofing off for the last 2 months ... so Im a little behind schedule ... My 1 yr anniversary is 20May14, so I may not be there by then ... , Im hoping for 30 more gone by then at least.

    Good luck to you all and God Bless!
    Happy NEW YEAR!
  • ladynica
    ladynica Posts: 329 Member
    I actually got to enjoy the holidays (and the food that comes with it), because I realized that my overall success for the year was better than any year previously in my adult life. I'm absolutely in a better place physically, mentally and emotionally than I was this time last year.
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