Boob loss's useless rant / HUGE thanks to real women here



  • Allterrain_Lady
    Allterrain_Lady Posts: 421 Member
    Options have a way with words. I love it.

    Thanks! You can't know that but it mean a lot...
  • Allterrain_Lady
    Allterrain_Lady Posts: 421 Member
    I have 25-35 pounds to go and my boobs are like deflated balloons filled with Jell-O. And I'm 21. The skin around it reminds me of tissue paper, the way it looks so thin and wrinkly. I used to be a DD, now I can barely fill a B cup. It used to really bother me; now, not so much. What really bothers me is all the loose skin around my stomach and thighs. When I bend over, my stomach pools together and droops into this weird shape I can't even describe. Super sexy when I'm trying to do planks and my shirt accidentally rides up a little! Also, when I sit down on, say, the toilet seat, the skin on my legs pours over the sides so it looks like my *kitten* is swallowing the entire toilet.

    First of all, a 107lbs loss is a HUGE accomplishment and I'd like to take a second to celebrate that.
    Second: how long did you take to lose it? I had some loose skin too. A very good hydrating lotion, drinking plenty of water and fitness training help in the long run. But it does take a lot of time.
    It's not perfect but I'm not considering surgery for my thighs anymore. You can make progress in that area too.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    1.) Good job on your journey!!

    2.) Push up bras- cheaper than therapy- we almost all use them.

    3.) find new found ways to fill out more fabulous clothes- there are plenty of cuts that REALLY flatter the mid line of bra shapes - I'm a small D and found that V necks and mock turtle- sleeveless make my rack look enormous. LOL... sometimes it's a good thing- sometimes it's a bad thing. LOL
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    For me it's the opposite. As of now I've been losing most weight in my upper body, around my ribs, my back, shoulders and upper arms. My breast though, they are still DD, which didn't look so bad on my bigger frame, but now it looks like I'm going to tip over.

    Kind of the same thing here.
  • sydneybeachgirl
    boob size is more to do with hormones than fat can loose-gain fat there like any other part of your body but there is a limit to it..especially on the loss side..
    I went through a lot of issues with my boobs -weight loss, abnormal tissue growth- but I didnt duck out and went to see a doctor was a hard road but I got it fixed and it was one of the best things I have ever done...not only it looks the part visually but it also allowed me to do any exercise that takes my fancy - boyfriend only complains a bit (scars will remain) :)
  • Allterrain_Lady
    Allterrain_Lady Posts: 421 Member
    and I swear there is no other body part I'm happy with.

    Though have good days where I'm okay with the fact size 10 dresses fit. :/

    Focus on the size 10 dresses!!!
    When I feel down about what I lost, I force myself to think about what I've gained and smaller clothes are sooo much cuter!!!!
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Boobs are overrated. I'm not sure why they are so important to people. 50% of the population have them in one form or another, and the other 50% of the population like them in pretty much all of the different forms they come in. They come from hormones, genetics, body fat, and silicone. You don't get them with hard work, discipline, or effort (maybe the fake ones since you have to earn the money for them). They don't improve your healthy, or represent imporved health. They don't make you stronger, or run faster, or jump higher (in fact they can do just the opposite). They are pretty I guess, and ultimately they DO feed infants but they can do that no matter the size, sagginess, or symmetry. But really, they are just boobs.
  • Allterrain_Lady
    Allterrain_Lady Posts: 421 Member
    I understand completely! I want a boob job in the worst way!! When I was 100 lbs heavier I was a large D almost DD now pretty much an A :sad:

    OMG!! 100lbs loss is awesome!! Very well done!
    I agree with the boob job. It's definitely somewhere in my future...
  • TheGymGypsy
    TheGymGypsy Posts: 1,023 Member
    I got a boob job. And I don't regret it at all. It matches the rest of my new body now, and I feel so much more comfortable showing off what I worked so hard for.
  • kmbweber2014
    kmbweber2014 Posts: 680 Member
    Girls, you've just got to sing this mantra - "I'm a naturalist."

    And when you look in the mirror, stand on your tippy toes with your hands ever so gracefully above your head, twirl around and say, "ballerina boobs are beautiful."

    Next, take a look at your backside and sing, "I like big butts" - then go do your squats!! And stop worrying about your girls.

    Change what you can change and love yourself in all your natural beauty!!

    I'm so going to be twirling around my house now!! Love this comment.
  • TXRanchGirl
    *raises hand*
    former large C cup now a large A cup..

    with a very dissapointed husband. :)
    Way I see it..they make padded/push up bras for a reason..and one day, when enough pennies are saved, I will BUY my boobs back! the benefits of being slim and fit far outweigh having boobs
  • TXRanchGirl
    OH..and I read an article recently that states its not always the size of the boobs that is appealing..but the ratio of "hang" from nipple to bottom..if that makes sense?
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I've found with lifting heavier weights my smaller bewbs look betta than evah.
  • BreeJaxon
    Oh girl I already had small boobs, I was a B cup and I'm lucky to fit into a double AA now! It's a bunch of ****, they are the first thing to go!!
  • DandelionCupcakes
    DandelionCupcakes Posts: 234 Member
    I was sad to see mine go, too! But I did end up getting a boob job (Before my goal weight, even) and am going for a redo to go bigger.
    I promise there are ways to make them not look fake :)

    Sorry for your boobie losses but I bet you look great!
  • shutyourpieholeandsquat
    For me it's the opposite. As of now I've been losing most weight in my upper body, around my ribs, my back, shoulders and upper arms. My breast though, they are still DD, which didn't look so bad on my bigger frame, but now it looks like I'm going to tip over.

    Kind of the same thing here.

    Mine are still around and I'm grateful. Can't wait to tip over!
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Get new boobs! =D
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Ah yes, totally understand. I've gone from an E-F cup (huge) size, to a D and they seem really small to me now. I still look great in clothes, but when the bra comes off, they sure as hell aren't as high and mighty as they used to be.

    Such is life. Still, I'd rather look the way I do now with my smaller breasts than the fat person that I was before.

    Wonder Woman wears Wonder Bra.
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    Sounds to me like you should spend some time falling in love with yourself. A new body is a lot of change. Instead of scrutinizing it, maybe try to embrace it. I know that's easier said than done, but the whole point of working out and going through a body transformation is to be happy with the result, right?

    If you still don't like your boobs, save up and go buy some.

    I wouldn't trade the body I have now for my pre-weightloss boobs in a million years. It is what it is... I look like a 12 year old in the chest department, but the overall look and level of fitness I have achieved makes me very happy in the long run.
  • Allterrain_Lady
    Allterrain_Lady Posts: 421 Member

    3.) find new found ways to fill out more fabulous clothes- there are plenty of cuts that REALLY flatter the mid line of bra shapes - I'm a small D and found that V necks and mock turtle- sleeveless make my rack look enormous. LOL... sometimes it's a good thing- sometimes it's a bad thing. LOL

    SO TRUE!! I used to dress with whatever fitted me and now I have a choice among flattering clothes. That a great thing..
    To be honest, sometimes it's nice that they're not the ONLY good thing I have going on for me anymore. Looks wise.

    Once I overheard someone talking about me to someone else. She said 'of course, you know her! She's the fat girl with the pretty face who's friend with Caroline' The guy answered 'oh yeah, I don't know about her face but she's got some great ballons" (roughly translated, they were speaking french)

    I was just starting my weight loss process. Nobody knew about it, there were no change to notice yet. It broke my heart but kept my at the gym the following weeks...