Dressing rooms UGHHHHH

So I haven't been shopping in a while (for myself) and I was quickly reminded how awful I feel every time I try on clothes in a dressing room. It's not that the clothes don't fit. It's the way my body looks in that horrible lighting! Is that really what I look like? I seriously wanted to cry at one point because I've been working so hard and I thought I actually was looking good until yesterday!

I go home and I look in the mirror at all angles and I look fine! SO, is my perception at home real or is the harsh reality of what I look like , in those dressing room mirrors real?

Does this happen to guys too or just women?


  • RobP1192
    RobP1192 Posts: 310 Member
    Lol, i think it's the lighting. I actually look better in the dressing room lighting than in front of any mirrors i have at home. Seems to enhance any cuts or definition i have, with that top down lighting. I get to flexing like an idiot for 5 minutes before i put anything on. But if i wasn't in shape or had any kind of muscularity, it would probably enhance whatever i had going on. If i was heavy or flabby, or skinny and boney, it would probably emphasize it more so than at home. Just my thoughts. I honestly don't know.
  • I feel ya! Dressing rooms stress me out. Harsh light + surrounding mirrors spells trouble. I just try to breathe and try to remember that everyone has "imperfections" and that I am working at getting healthier.
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    I hate that lighting. lol

    It can make you feel soooooo bad about yourself.

    I totally feel you. :smile: