running newbie

Well I did he C25K on the treadmill which I cheating I guess but wanted to build up a base before running around Amsterdam and dropping dead. As it has been Christmas (no real excuse just eating too much and in the middle of Irish countryside with no gym membership) but I tried running the other day I just felt like I ended up at square one.

I am trying to get on being able to run a 10k outside of course. Any tips or extra training ideas would be helpful.
Once I am back in Amsterdam I'll be running and yoga, pilates and total body workout


  • shelltherunner
    shelltherunner Posts: 33 Member
    How long ago was your last treadmill run? After about two weeks off, you start to lose your stamina. Also, the treadmill is not cheating but it does change how you run. It is expected that transitioning to running outside will be a challenge. You also have to factor in hills, temperature/humidity differences. Increasing the incline (on the treadmill) slightly will help simulate outside runs as far as hills are concerned. Hope this helps! Happy running!
  • smileymaxine
    smileymaxine Posts: 275 Member
    Went to the gym the other day after a week and it was awful ! Felt better for it , Amsterdam has no hills so less worried about that , I'll be staying with my boyfriend who is almost 5k away from where I work so think in of trying to run that twice a week as well as 3 times a week on treadmill. Just really upsetting getting to a point where I felt I was doing well hen falling back to hardly being able to run 15 minute straight
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Sign up to a local race. This is what first got me into it and I have now done about 14 races in a year with medals to show for it. That and beating my PB times is the motivation for me.
  • gmthisfeller
    gmthisfeller Posts: 779 Member
    Google Hal Higdon. He has a complete 5K training for novices. He has training for every other popular distance as well.
  • sydneybeachgirl
    I am in the same shoes..I did the C5K on the treadmill as I have numerous issues with running as such (coordination issues, balance issue, knee injuries, centre of gravity issues) so doing it on a treadmill was a safe and easy way of geting my head around the whole movement a such. Now I have to transition to running on the ground and I started with redoing my C5K programme -on the is aint easy!
  • meankeen
    meankeen Posts: 49 Member
    Heey fellow amsterrrdammmerrrrr,

    HIIT on a Stationary bike with 1 minute sprinting and 1 minute rest will help you in your runs a lot, peak your vo2 max, and you will be able to hold your steady state cardio a lot longer. I like to switch between them for hiit I do the stationary bike instead of sprinting as it's really injury sensitive. But for steady state I take running over anything.

    Needless to say, squats and other core exercises are also a must; aim for muscle endurance, not mass. And most important of all: stay hydrated. Have around 2 / 2.5 liter of water before you run, and take very small amounts of sip while you run.

    If you'd like we can run together, and keep each other motivated. I workout at F4F Gym, and when the weather's nice I like running around vondelpark or westerpark. Add me if you'd like to!
  • smileymaxine
    smileymaxine Posts: 275 Member
    Ah I live by westerpark half the week so at sporthouse and be in the pipe over the weekend so likely be trying vonelpark ! Trying to even get to 10k runs but that will be another few weeks of working my butt off !