an old (over 50) newbie



  • quicklabs
    quicklabs Posts: 254 Member
    I'm another "oldie but goodie". LOL. Be sure that you record every bite of food. A heart rate monitor wil keep you honest about calories burned. You can definitely do this!
  • ckone4me
    ckone4me Posts: 108 Member
    Hi, I am 53 and have found the support and program here have made my weight loss successful! I do not feel old and since losing weight I feel stronger, younger and happier! So it is possible to lose and it is not all that hard at all! Anyone can add me if you'd like some extra support from me as well! We are over 50 and we "rock"!
  • gophertracts
    gophertracts Posts: 7 Member
    I am new here also. thought I was the only one on here over sixty. add me as your friend if you would like.
  • Resolve2B
    Resolve2B Posts: 86 Member
    What's with all this "old" stuff? Not me....even at 61. Today is the best day of my life. And then tomorrow will be the best day of my life.

    Too bad we live in a culture that so adores "youth". I love my life right now! I am happy, content and free of much of the stress I had in my younger days. I watch my young adult daughter juggle her demanding profession, keep a well ordered home, tend to her husband and mother her toddler and I think, "Phew...I did I see how stressed I was!" Return to that? Not on a bet.

    The trick now though is to stay healthy and fit to really squeeze the last drop of fun out of this phase of life.

    Harder to lose weight now? I don't think that's true at all IF you have a body that is just overweight and out of shape. There are those struggling with other issues such as joint problems and that's kind of a game changer. It doesn't mean it can't be done but yes, that would make it harder. Otherwise what makes it hard is that as we spend more years on the planet we have found ways to get comfortable...and we like to stay comfortable. Changing eating patterns is uncomfortable. Exercise is uncomfortable. But the discomfort is temporary whereas the GREAT feeling of having a trim, fit, healthy body can be ours to enjoy every day if we put in the time and EFFORT to get there.

    And as for the menopausal myth...I lost 15 pounds and got into the best shape I think I've ever been in...and I was in my early 50s when I did flashes and all (I called them my "power surges").

    Now...I've just lost my groove. I just joined here about a week ago. I'm still sort of mapping out my plan but I'm loading the cannon and am ready to "fire".

    My food plan consists of the South Beach Diet. It's the best way to manage food I've ever experienced. Once you get the principles, it's a no brainer. No counting calories...just an awareness of what kind of food you're taking in. (NOTE: this is what worked for ME...others find the calorie counting approach to be what works for each his/her own!).

    The other "secret weapon"? Lifting weights. Building muscle is like building little fat burning factories!! I love that thought that I can be just sitting in a chair and any muscle I have is just burning calories just to exist. The more muscle tissue I have, the more calories being burned. Some studies I've read suggest that we "of a certain age" should be focusing more on muscle building and less on cardio as a means of burning fat. Of course cardio is still necessary to keep our hearts healthy, etc so that's not a "pass" for doing some good cardio but phew you can really get your heart pumping doing a circuit of weight lifting. And LIFT a decent amount of up to it...don't wimp out on puny light weights. If you are not sure what to do , get a personal trainer and let him/her know your goal is to build muscle.

    I'm a wordy one. LOL But if you'd care to friend me and are someone who is looking for support, I'm committed to be part of this community now that I've found it.

    Rock on!
  • fitaholic718
    fitaholic718 Posts: 19 Member
    Age is nothing but a number. Just stay motivated we are all here for support. FYI i'll be 34 New Year's Day!!!!!! Let's melt together!!!!
  • Hikr56
    Hikr56 Posts: 128 Member
    57 here, and I plan on being SMOKIN' hot (for the first time ever) by this time next year! There. I said it out loud. OMG. LOL I've only been using MFP for just over 3 months, and it's made a huge difference in my motivation and dedication. There are wonderfully supportive people here. Welcome aboard!
  • Amazon_Who
    Amazon_Who Posts: 1,092 Member
    Great thread!
  • Cokebear83
    Cokebear83 Posts: 13 Member
    Also remember its not necessarily a number on the scale, but how well your clothes fit and how much muscle you build too.
  • sandykendrick
    sandykendrick Posts: 16 Member
    Hi everyone Im 57 and have 140 lbs as my goal. I presently weigh 178 1/2. I would love to have you all as a friend.:smile:
  • sandykendrick
    sandykendrick Posts: 16 Member
    Hi my name is Sandy and I'm 57 (older than you). No don't give up. We can do this my friend. It isn't easy that is for sure but I'm not going to get bumbed out about it. First thing you remember is that your not along. Hang in there my friend and don't ever give up. You get to feeling down just talk to any of us.