Embarrassed to go back to the gym...

I need a little encouragement...

I got a gym membership in April through my work (my company paid for the year up front, then deducts about $15 from each paycheck). I was really excited about this, and started going to the gym right away. Of course, my first visit I got cornered by one of the personal trainers and let him talk me into signing up for personal training (2 sessions per week). I am such a pushover!! It is a one year contract, and is charged biweekly. I started doing the personal training sessions, trying out a few different trainers. I lasted a little over a month (with no significant weight loss, but my eating habits weren't great at the time). One nice thing about the personal training sessions is that they "roll over," so just because I didn't schedule a session doesn't mean I lost it, they are just added to my account.

I haven't been to the gym since May, and I have racked up 71 (SEVENTY-ONE!!!!!) personal training sessions. I am so embarrassed that I haven't been to the gym in almost 8 months, and it's keeping me from wanting to go back. I just don't know what to say/how to explain my absence to a trainer when I go back. That, and I have gained 23lbs since then (I kept the personal training workout journal they gave me, so I have all of my stats from when I first joined).

On the plus side, I have enough personal training sessions saved up that I could work with a trainer every day of the week if I wanted to, but right now I am doing no activity at all, so I would like to just get into a routine of actually showing up a couple times a week.

What should I say when I go back? How do I express to a trainer that, at least for now, I just need a simple, easy workout that will keep me coming back until I get comfortable/confident enough to push myself?


  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    There's no reason to be embarrassed to go back to a gym. Most gym staff probably won't even remember you, especially if it is a larger gym, not to mention that corporate gyms tend to have significant staff turnover in a 7-8 month period of time.
  • Dootzy1
    Dootzy1 Posts: 2,293 Member
    Let's claim imperfection in meeting our goals as a function of being human. Weight gain and exercise relapses happen. Own it!! I had a serious reluctance to schedule a physical, because I gained weight since I last saw my doctor. One of my friends on here made me realize what a powerful turning point that could be, as I recommit to healthier choices and the weight loss that follows. Keep your sense of humor and don't let this stand in the way. Plus, I would guess they've seen this behavior before!!!!
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    To be honest, I'm sure personal trainers see stuff like that all the time, and wouldn't think twice about it. I don't see any reason you should be embarrassed, but look at it this way: any embarrassment you feel is only going to be for that first time you set foot back in the gym. Once you get that over with, you can concentrate on what you want to get done, and make the most of all those sessions you've racked up. Just start slow, and do stuff you enjoy doing (or at least don't hate.) Take some time to build up your fitness.
  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 671 Member
    1. This happens all the time, so don't feel like you are the only one to ever disappear on them.

    2. You are paying. You are a customer. You deserve what you pay for. Don't let guilt/fitness morality/didn't meet my goal distract you from achieving the goal. If you went to a store to buy jeans and a top, got in the car and realized your top wasn't in the bag, you would go back and ask for it. You are the driver here. Be brave and bold: Hey, yeah, I fell off the wagon last year. Getting back on and need you guys to help me out.

    3. It's not how many times we fall down but how many we stand back up that counts. Stand back up. I'm a super exerciser sometimes, and then I fail for a week or two. I figure that as long as I keep going back to it, I'm succeeding.
  • No need to explain. If they ask just say "i f-cked up. I'm ready to start over." And leave it at that.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    I'm sure they've seen it all :)

    Maybe you could ask for a trainer that does yoga and/or pilates to get started back. Yoga especially is energizing and not too rough if beginner level (but still good for you). Then you can bump the intensity up a notch when it's become more of a habit.
  • PumpkinRunning
    PumpkinRunning Posts: 35 Member
    Thanks everyone. I just got home...from the gym! I decided to try one of the other gym locations (it's technically closer to my house, but only by a few minutes). I didn't do personal training, but I did walk on the treadmill for 30 minutes, which is more purposeful activity than I've done in a long time! And, I got myself through the door, so that's a plus.
  • stacysabaka
    stacysabaka Posts: 10 Member
    Way to go!!!
  • GGDaddy
    GGDaddy Posts: 289 Member
    You are the paying customer! It's none of their business why you've been out of the gym, you don't owe them an explanation. You paid for those sessions, now go and get them! If anyone asks, here is the appropriate response:

  • lilred806
    lilred806 Posts: 195 Member
    Congratulations on going back. Keep moving forward for yourself.
  • Agree with GGDaddy. You're the customer, screw their opinions.

    They work for you, you don't work for them!
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    oh wow go and get your sessions in. you are so lucky.
    day 1 might be awkard but after that it will be fine. gyms love collecting money from those that dont attend they really dont care. good luck
  • Vex3521
    Vex3521 Posts: 385 Member
    Who cares what they think! You're doing this for You, not for Them.

    That said, if you go to the original location and anyone says anything.... you said it best yourself.. "at least for now, I just need a simple, easy workout that will keep me coming back until I get comfortable/confident enough to push myself?"

    Way to go on getting out there and doing a session.
  • samthepanda
    samthepanda Posts: 569 Member
    Well done for getting back in there! Walking through those doors was the biggest step.

    Have a look around at other peoples PT sessions, and see what approach you think will work best for you, and ask other gym members. I think it has to work for you. I had 3 free sessions with someone when I first joined and we just didn't gel at the first one so I didn't book the other for several weeks when I learnt she had left. Next guy was really good, unfortunately he left too! I started working with my current guy after nearly a year in the gym after a shoulder injury. He's good - works programmes around areas I want to work on, but challenging me.

    Does your gym do classes, eg pilates that you could try? When I'm struggling to get through those doors I find it easier to go to a class - its a time I have to be there rather than putting it off all day!
  • Good for you, what a great step in the right direction. I have always said, Never be embarassed that you are starting again...........it is when we quitting trying that we should be embarassed. I have just started again today, after having lost 35 pounds, I have gained 20 back. So frustrated but took the first step back by signing up on this site. So again great job on getting to the gym.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Thanks everyone. I just got home...from the gym! I decided to try one of the other gym locations (it's technically closer to my house, but only by a few minutes). I didn't do personal training, but I did walk on the treadmill for 30 minutes, which is more purposeful activity than I've done in a long time! And, I got myself through the door, so that's a plus.
  • Veganniee
    Veganniee Posts: 460 Member
    They will have seen people come and go so it won't be a surprise that someone else is back. Don't feel embarrassed. They will be impressed that you have taken that step again. Use the personal training sessions as often as you want. You have paid for them.

    Unfortunately for me, my gym is quite small so whenever I haven't been for a few weeks (holiday/work/laziness etc), I am greeted with 'Hello stranger!' by the guy on reception! I just smile awkwardly and say hello back whilst staring at the floor!
  • michael1976_ca
    michael1976_ca Posts: 3,488 Member
    i say go put them to use, i once fell a sleep at the gym talk about embarrasing. i did my work out and was on the floor streaching when i went to sleep. i took a week off before going back. but know i can laugh and share the story of my 30 min nape. lets just say a lot of people were smiling and my face went red
  • _Danno_
    _Danno_ Posts: 165
    Lets face it most gyms don't actually want you to go! They want your 12 month contract signed and then to never see you again.
  • Lets face it most gyms don't actually want you to go! They want your 12 month contract signed and then to never see you again.

    most gyms are like that...and you know what - you PAID for those sessions already...would you pay your accountant for not doing anything for you? or a babysitter for not showing up at all? you wouldnt...but on the other hand if you dont like any of the trainers at this gym then doing 70 PT session would be really really really hard.

    Congarts for getting through the door - that is always the hardest part! Once you are through the door and changed into working gear you will find things to do but getting there is hard! Congrats!