First week here......

......and what a challenge this has turned out to be. I have realized that I love everything that I should not! Worse is that I seem to feel hungry all the time now. I think it is a mind trick more than anything. I have only been successful with my calorie goal one day out of three so far. I can not believe how many calories some foods have! If anyone has any tips on how to curb the hunger I am all ears.

Good luck to all and thanks!



  • goal30Lori
    goal30Lori Posts: 307 Member
    Welcome Melodi!! It's an adjustment at first for sure! My tummy growled at night for the first week, I think! But you are right, it is a mind thing, at least somewhat, and your body will get used to it before you know it! Try drinking more water to curb your hunger - if you feel hungry, drink a glass of water and wait 20 minutes, and then if you are still hungry, do it again, LOL! I try to have three small snacks and three small-ish meals a day, that way I know that if I feel hungry, I don't have too much longer to wait! Chewing gum also helps, as well as brushing my teeth!

    Being here is the first step, so you are well on your way! Good luck!!!
  • psarah
    psarah Posts: 84
    Eat several small meals a day will help to keep you from feeling hungry..Gum is a great way to curb the hankering for something sweet.
  • michellemae24
    michellemae24 Posts: 20 Member
    You'll be surprised, once you get into it, you won't even know how to spend the calories :)
  • megolego85
    When you are hungry and you know you shouldn't be and you have no more calories to use drink water. It will make you feel full and by the time your body gets rid of the extra water you would have forgotten you had the munchies.
  • NineInchGirl
    fruits and veggies girl! They are filled with water and air and they trick your stomach into being full!!! Try it!!! You can eat a cup of carrots and it will cost you a whole 35 cal...and yes, you'll feel full! Besides fruits and veggies don't make ya gain weight! So munch on some cucumber or on a cup of grapes and see for yourself =) Oh and i dunno if ya heard of this new yogurt called Satisfaction..they are awesome!! They are low call and they fill your belly right up!! ooOoo and sugar-free jello too its only 10 cals per serving and its sweet! Hope it helps :)
  • lisafrancis629
    I'm going into my 4th week and finally, my cravings and constant "hunger pains" are tapering off. I guess my body is finally getting used to eating a normal amount of calories instead of 5,000 a day. :wink: One thing I have noticed that helps me is to eat a breakfast with lots of protein then I don't have to fight the cravings all day long. Hang in there, it get's easier as your body & mind adjust. Good luck - YOU CAN DO IT.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Glad to see you made it! My 2 cents worth... eat some sort of protein at every meal/snack, it will help keep you feeling full. Lots of fresh vegies (raw or cooked), go whole grain (oatmeal is very filling at breakfast), google the low sugar fruits and berries. Drink your 8 glasses of water a day...then drink more! Eat every 3-4 hours! Keep in mind that the more you exercise the more you get to eat! Don't deny yourself the foods you really want (even cake!), just make a way to eat it and keep within your limits. If you deny yourself the good/bad stuff it can become an obsession and then you over indulge. Better to eat it under controlled circumstances.
    And yes you can have a snack after dinner, before bed!

    Good Luck!
  • MelodiV2010
    Thank you so much to everyone. You all have wonderful ideas and none of them will go to waste I promise!! :happy:

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!