Sick Fat & Nearly Dead

I watched fat sick and nearly dead last night and it has me wanting to try a 60 day juicing detox. I just know if it tastes disgusting I wont be able to do it. I dont have enough will power to eat nothing plus drink something disgusting. Any thoughts? Anyone seen the movie? Also if I go back to normal calorie counting after the 60 days won't I just gain a bunch of weight back? Only juicing for 60 days will prove to my body thats all it needs and once I start eating again it will go crazy is what im thinking


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,110 Member
    Good luck with that. Be sure you are getting good nutrition. If you don't like juicing and/or vegetables, it would be better to just eat less.

    I don't think 60 days is a good idea, but that movie spawns these threads here all the time. *Spoiler alert* These discussions can get pretty rough - JS
  • Why not just eat a nutrient dense healthy diet for the next 60 days? You will get your fruit and veggies plus protein and fats. Make sustainable changes. A 60 day juice fast is a fad.
  • AllOnMeWOL
    AllOnMeWOL Posts: 26 Member
    I saw that he lost 100 pounds in 60 days and figured thats a damn good start when I have almost 300 to lose. Thats over 1/3 of my journey. But im just worried about the after and what would happen when I start eating again. I feel like I eat a well balanced diet now.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Wouldn't it be much easier and less painful for anyone that has to live with you, to learn how to eat real food, learn about nutrition, portion control, and lose weight in a healthy way?
  • F00LofaT00K
    F00LofaT00K Posts: 688 Member
    I watched fat sick and nearly dead last night and it has me wanting to try a 60 day juicing detox. I just know if it tastes disgusting I wont be able to do it. I dont have enough will power to eat nothing plus drink something disgusting. Any thoughts? Anyone seen the movie? Also if I go back to normal calorie counting after the 60 days won't I just gain a bunch of weight back? Only juicing for 60 days will prove to my body thats all it needs and once I start eating again it will go crazy is what im thinking

    I saw that movie and it had me SO convinced that it was a legitimate way to get healthy... I even bought a juicer.... I couldn't do it for more than five days. Half the stuff tastes awful, i had terrible diarrhea and my stomach was grumbling constantly. I looked into it with my own research and found that it's an awful thing to do to your body. You're preventing yourself from getting proper nutrition and the lack of fiber is bad for the digestive tract. I didn't see how 60 days of that could benefit me in any way so I stopped immediately. Since I found MFP I started doing a lot of research about health, weight loss and nutrition and I can assure you, juicing is a waste of time and will not help you reach your goals in a healthy and realistic fashion. You will be getting minimal calories so you WILL lose weight pretty quickly, but you'll be so hungry you'll most likely pack on the pounds once you're finished and start eating the same exact quantities of foods you were eating before. Be patient, eat FOOD at a caloric deficit, lose weight slowly and train yourself to eat less forever.
  • toddis
    toddis Posts: 941 Member
    There is some evidence that at the beginning a very low calorie liquid diet can help start weight loss, after an extended period of time it normals out with any other sort of calorie reduction.

    I'd like to note that I think he spent like 20 dollars a day on produce. That on top of the 500+ dollar juicer.

    I'd think it would be a better idea to incorporate whole vegetables and some fruits as the basis of your lifestyle.
  • djxil
    djxil Posts: 357
    I started Nov 24th and have lost 25#. The only things I truly cut out were fast food and soda's. I log everyday and exercise more often than I used to. Be careful not to burn out by changing your habits too quickly, start slow and build up.

    The first 10 days, I had a headache from the detox but ever since then, I have had more energy and now I actively looks for ways to eat better.

    Good Luck with whatever you do.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    I watched fat sick and nearly dead last night and it has me wanting to try a 60 day juicing detox.

    That is a terrible plan.

    Just terrible.

    Forget the gimmicks - eat normal food and control your portions.
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    I saw that he lost 100 pounds in 60 days and figured thats a damn good start when I have almost 300 to lose. Thats over 1/3 of my journey. But im just worried about the after and what would happen when I start eating again. I feel like I eat a well balanced diet now.

    Unfortunately, after you start eating again, if you haven't learned how to keep your calories under control, you'll gain it right back. I wouldn't recommend it personally, but that's because I love to chew. I couldn't imagine just drinking my meals. Also, I can't imagine you'd get much protein with that, and you'd lose a LOT of lean muscle, which can lead to fun stuff like osteoporosis down the road. I'd recommend eating at a deficit and losing weight that way :-) You're on the perfect website to do that with
  • jezama77
    jezama77 Posts: 138 Member
    I have watched that movie too. I don't think that is realistic for most people. I agree with making small sustainable changes. I look back at my 'journey'. I used to live on tater tots and pizza rolls when I first got married. I just made lunch now, and I am eating a whole plate of fresh cut veggies with a romaine lettuce salad and hummus for dressing with some sweet potatoes and a bit of stuffing left from Christmas (made with wheat bread and veggie broth). Big difference. I also ran 4 miles this morning before 7am.

    That being said...I didn't do it overnight. I made lots of changes a little at a time. I think I relied a lot on processed packaged foods at the beginning to help with portions and ideas, but gradually I cut those things out. I eat only things that are whole healthy foods. I have occasional treats such as almond 'ice cream' or popcorn at a movie, but those are not an every day thing.

    All that being said, I have done a few fasts, but not as weight loss being the primary goal. I fasted with a few people from my church, and I did not just juice. I drank protein shakes, fruit smoothies, and blended soups. I have a problem with eating for comfort, so I fasted on liquids for 40 days to force myself to come up with other supports, such as prayer, journaling, visiting with a friend, etc. It helped me a lot. The only negative side was that I couldn't do vigorous exercise during that time and had to be content with light exercise. My husband complained that my breath had a slight metallic smell (even after brushing...), but other than that I did well. It is NOT for everyone though. I balanced nutrition effective and made sure that I had the right foods and because I blended instead of juice, I still got some fiber. I did lose some weight too. Also, I only did this after I already knew how to eat right and was at a healthy weight already (top of my range though, so I didn't get to thin or anything).

    I hope this helps some. Feel free to message me for support or questions. I didn't have that much to lose, but I have lost 90 pounds, which is a fair amount...

    Good luck on your health goals! :)
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member

    That is a terrible plan.

    Just terrible.

    Forget the gimmicks - eat normal food and control your portions.

    THIS. Learn portion control, nutrition and healthy habits. These will last you a lifetime. And if all else fails, remember all those years ago when Oprah tried a liquid only diet. She lost a ton, then gained a ton+ back.
  • AllOnMeWOL
    AllOnMeWOL Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks 4 all of the responses. I guess ill just stick with if its not something im willing to commit to for life then dont do it. And juicing would never be a life commitment so im not going to do it. 300 pounds just seems like forever away.
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    Thanks 4 all of the responses. I guess ill just stick with if its not something im willing to commit to for life then dont do it. And juicing would never be a life commitment so im not going to do it. 300 pounds just seems like forever away.

    There are a few people that hang out in the forums that have lost over 300lbs-it's overwhelming now, but if you approach it with a sensible attitude and a comittment to get it done, you'll succeed like they did :smile:

    One thing you could incorporate into your diet are green smoothies, which are a great way to get in the veggies, fruit and fiber. You can make them with a regular blender and they can be pretty low calorie, depending how you make them, as well as an inexpensive snack, breakfast etc.
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    Saw it .. just rich Australian Joe's way to get richer. Like really .. Joe only shows what Joe wants people to see.

    Like it is totally a fad ... and not something that non-desperate and sane people should do.

    There is nothing wrong with eating your fruits and veggies .. and other good things, yes including carbs, and maintaining a reasonable calorie deficit. You will get there ... no need for crazy cleanses and juice fasts.
  • VeggieKidMandy
    VeggieKidMandy Posts: 575 Member
    You will pretty much get the same results if you eat a CLEAN / RAW vegan diet.

    I tried the whole juicing thing and saw the same results as when I went vegan. Only difference was I wasnt as cranky and hungry when I went vegan.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
  • Thanks 4 all of the responses. I guess ill just stick with if its not something im willing to commit to for life then dont do it. And juicing would never be a life commitment so im not going to do it. 300 pounds just seems like forever away.

    300 lbs. seems like an intense goal, but you can do it! Perhaps you can reach out to a few of the posters that have lost a large amount of weight to see what worked for them. Instead of thinking of your ultimate goal and feeling discouraged, you may feel better setting micro goals. A few examples:
    1. Incorporating one new type of produce into a meal per week
    2. Building up endurance or performance. I.e. make it a goal to walk 1 mile three times per week. Tracking progress (time, distance, etc.) may be rewarding.

    Focus on talking steps toward being a healthier you rather than trying to lose the weight in X amount of weeks.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    300 pounds just seems like forever away.

    Don't focus on 300lbs.

    For now, take this one day at a time and see if you can make good choices today.

    When you wake up tomorrow, do it again.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    You will pretty much get the same results if you eat at a CALORIC DEFICIT

  • mikkey
    mikkey Posts: 24 Member
    I would highly discourage you from attempting what this man did for several reasons. I saw the movie and while he did lose all that weight in 2 months, his friends make it a point to say in the movie that he has always been on a weight roller-coaster. Its very tempting to do this, but its also very difficult to do without the kind of support he had, ie a commercial endeavor such as a movie and an entire crew depending on your spectacular weight loss. You will most likely not make it to 60 days and feel terrible for "failing", even though it was not a very realistic goal. Furthermore, as a physician, while this may make you lose weight in the short term, this is NOT a lifestyle change, unless you plan on just juicing for the rest of your life. I always counsel my patients to make a lifestyle change, not diet. Eating healthier, exercising, etc will be necessary to maintain your health, even after the excess weight has come off. Too many people lose weight, only to go back to eating fast food and watching 12 hours of TV a day and then don't understand why they are back to where they were and then some. And lastly, juicing tastes terrible (personal opinion) and you lose so many nutrients by doing this, not to mention fiber.
    In the end, this is your choice, so if you are still contemplating this, I would do a thorough research on the topic from reliable websites.