giant balloon hand !

So I've been running three times a week for last few months but today my left hand blew up like a balloon , was sore the other evening , mildly irritation nothing is worry about.
This happen to anyone else ? Only thing that was different was my shoes (running shoes are in Amsterdam not here)


  • Ainar
    Ainar Posts: 858 Member
    Shoes made your hand to blew up? I don't see how that's possible. Probably nothing running related, well, at least not shoe related.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    That sounds either like an allergic reaction to something you touched, or you got bit by something. In other words, go see a doctor!
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    Yeah, I'd say that sounds like an allergy or a histamine reaction to getting bitten or stung. I'd have a doctor check it out, especially if the swelling hasn't already gone down.
  • smileymaxine
    smileymaxine Posts: 275 Member
    Don't allergic reactions stick around a tad longer ?
  • Wilhellmina
    Wilhellmina Posts: 757 Member
    I got allergies and histamine reactions, tho in my case it's mostly in the face and underarms. It can take from a few days up to a few weeks before that's completely gone. I would see a doctor if I were you and maybe do an allergy test, because allergies can be something to worry about!