Could you always fathom reaching your goal weight?



  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    im not there yet. but since day one I could picture it. today on day 170 Im very happy with where I am. And Trust me, I can still picture it. VERY CLEARLY.

    ***oh and I've never been that weight. Ive been overweight/obese my whole life. So its all in my mind.
  • perrinjoshua
    perrinjoshua Posts: 286 Member
    I have to say I've never actually had a goal weight before. I was always a fat child, a fat adolescent, a not so fat but muscular teen, and an adult whose weight fluctuated between 190 to 135 pounds. Up and down, a steady, constant need to lose the weight, lose the weight. Even at my lowest I never felt comfortable in my body. This time, finally, I set goal weights (several times) and reached each. Now I am below goal which gives me the wiggle room I like and I FINALLY feel that I like the person look back at me. Maintenance is not easy but it is where I want to be for the rest of my life. My goals now are to maintain the weight loss, increase exercise and improve my strength. Being at goal is a good thing - everything else will happen over the course of the next few years. Good luck with your journey. You can get there!
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    I couldn't recall what I looked like at my original goal weight so I had no idea what clothing size I would be or what I would look like. I just kept plugging away.

    What I wasn't ready for was not being satisfied with my original goal weight and wanting to take it further. Which I did by a few pounds. The weight is a good starting goal but in the end, visualizing a clothing size or body type (muscle mass, etc) is probably a bit easier.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    No. I didn't think I could reach my goal. I didn't think that I could become a bodybuilder. I just had enough discipline and drive to keep working at it until I got there.

    I wasn't always obese, so I knew what I would look like. I still didn't think dropping that much weight would be possible. The key was to never give up.
  • TwelveSticks
    TwelveSticks Posts: 288 Member
    In over 25 years of diets, I always had the same goal (180 lbs), but I got further and further away from that. However, I can honestly say that during all those diets, I NEVER really believed that I could get to that weight - especially as I always seemed to slow to a stop somewhere around 210 lbs (give or take a few). Those plateaux would always be the death of that diet and the start of the weight gaining cycle again.

    However, THIS time, I sailed through 210, through 200, through 190 and onwards all the way to my goal. And for the first time ever, I never doubted that I would get there. Indeed now, I have no doubt that I could be any weight I wanted to be (I have since gone below my original goal and am sitting at 175 today).

    The belief was a great help in staying focused. For me, that belief came from choosing to live the 5:2 lifestyle, but any way you can get it - try to get it!
  • tomwatso
    tomwatso Posts: 1,304 Member
    I wanted to be 10% body fat. This morning, I am 10.09% body fat. I wanted to dress better and feel better. When I started in late May 2012, I was 238 lbs and had a 41 inch waist. Those numbers compute to 23% body fat. Now, I am 209.8 lbs and have a 32 inch waist.

    I feel much better and I can wear the clothing I want to. People sometime say my av with suit is lame. I bought that suit as reward for getting my body back to where it once was. I wanted to wear stuff out of GQ. I visualized what I wanted to look like when the goal was attained. This helped me strive for the goal.

    The women in my life appear to like the new look. So, I guess I got what I wanted.
  • fairygirlpie9
    fairygirlpie9 Posts: 288 Member
    I've been overweight to varying degrees since my teens so I don't know what I'd look like at my goal weight in part because I don't know what it is. I think I want to lose another 30 lbs but I don't mind if its a bit less providing that I look fit healthy and toned and fit into my goal size of a UK 6 (US 2) I'm currently UK 10. Additionally I don't know how much I weigh since our scale broke.
  • JenToms80
    JenToms80 Posts: 373 Member
    The truth is at the time I had no idea just how big and unhealthy I was!

    It was only looking at what I ate and hitting some classes and seeing the results that I realised
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    In over 25 years of diets, I always had the same goal (180 lbs), but I got further and further away from that. However, I can honestly say that during all those diets, I NEVER really believed that I could get to that weight - especially as I always seemed to slow to a stop somewhere around 210 lbs (give or take a few). Those plateaux would always be the death of that diet and the start of the weight gaining cycle again.

    However, THIS time, I sailed through 210, through 200, through 190 and onwards all the way to my goal. And for the first time ever, I never doubted that I would get there. Indeed now, I have no doubt that I could be any weight I wanted to be (I have since gone below my original goal and am sitting at 175 today).

    The belief was a great help in staying focused. For me, that belief came from choosing to live the 5:2 lifestyle, but any way you can get it - try to get it!

    This is me, with one difference...I was always fat, even as a small child. So can I picture, what I will look like, no, because I've never been there before. Do I believe, I will achieve my goal....more than that! Since I found 5:2 for myself, I KNOW I will. Now I am just 8 kg from that goal and 1 kg above a normal BMI.

    Though I don't know, what I will look like, I do like, what I see now, after shedding 24kg. I'm pretty sure, I will like what I see after the last 8.
  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    9 lbs away from goal and nope, never thought id get there. It was just some fairytale made up place in my head. Ive always been overweight or obese as a teen and adult so no, i had no idea what i would look like either. But i'll say that i quite enjoy how it looks now!