Foods you didn't used to like



  • TemeraldMarie
    TemeraldMarie Posts: 69 Member
    Cottage cheese. :)
  • aschroeder2749
    aschroeder2749 Posts: 172 Member
    Mushrooms. Now I'm addicted to them.
  • SerenaKitty
    Raw cashews, kale, and plain yogurt.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Most raw veggies. Avocado!!!! it raw, cooked, in an omelette, etc.

    I never knew I liked basil, cloves, or curry that much until the past couple of years.

    Steel cut oats.

    Coconut milk in curries, too. Mmmm.

    I am still not crazy over tomatoes (don't care for them raw) but I like them much more than I used to and will even eat them raw if they're diced or finely chopped (like in pico de gallo).

    My husband has introduced me to vita herring in wine sauce and I really liked it, to my surprise. I've always enjoyed fish but would not have tried that probably.

    Yogurt and I have come a long way. I gagged at ALL yogurt until I was about 30 and then broke myself in with the (now yucky to me) Yoplait Whips. Now I'll eat plain Greek like it's going out of style...I love it with fruit, nuts, etc...or noosa as a "treat yogurt" for dessert. Noosa is even better than cheesecake to me, seriously!

    Not exactly "healthy" but when it comes to alcoholic beverages...until 2 years ago I was a Jagermeister shots or "girl drink" type (daiquiris, margaritas, flavored martinis) and now I prefer to drink many types of wine, sake, or Redd's apple ale which is beer, or at least the closest to beer I've ever gotten ;-)

    Some foods I've always LIKED are now among my absolute favorites, though and frequent players in my daily diet...eggs & salmon especially.
  • AmyWininger
    AmyWininger Posts: 150 Member
    Before, I never liked nuts. Peanuts, almonds, anything of the sort. Now, I eat them all the time, and will not eat peanut butter unless it's crunchy. Also, used to hate strawberries. I love them now. Same with bananas, and apples. I know water isn't a food, but I used to hate it, but drink it all the time now. :) I also used to hate turkey and pork, and loved beef. Now, it's practically the opposite.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I know water isn't a food, but I used to hate it, but drink it all the time now. :)

    Same here. I actually prefer water most of the time. I figured out that I don't like room temperature water or ice water. Gotta be refrigerator temp.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Sweet peppers. I used to hate them, and could detect the trace of them in any food. I decided I wanted to tolerate them, so I just started eating more of them. Started with red ones, roasted, and grew to quite like those. Now, I like (not just tolerate) red, yellow, green, and even raw. I'm working on celery now.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,951 Member
    smoked oysters (for the iron)

    Absolutely love smoked oysters in olive oil... I eat them over white rice.
  • __Angie__
    I've never been a big fan of the green veggies, but now I love broccoli, green beans, and sweet peas!
  • I had that with greek yogurt! I used to be repulsed by the thought of the stuff & I have them almost every day now :smile:

    Also, nuts! I used to pick them out of everything and hate them. Now, I always snack on almonds and walnuts & find them to be delish! (I take the 100 cal packs of almonds in my lunch every day! Oh, how times have changed lol)

    OH! And hummus - recently became addicted to the stuff! I always thought it would taste like sawdust for some odd reason, but it's AMAZING :love:
  • MommaChocoLatte
    MommaChocoLatte Posts: 389 Member
    There isnt much I dont eat.. that list is much shorter lol. I only started eating lobster and crab in the last few years, now I love them. Sea Scallops are growing on me. But I would have to say that over all else, Avocado is slowly growing on me. I still can't do them plain but I can handle it in Guacamole.
  • wilmnoca
    wilmnoca Posts: 416 Member
    Cottage Cheese!!! Omg I can't get enough! Wrecks my skin tho.
  • Bluizflame
    Bluizflame Posts: 151 Member
    Dark Chocolate. Use to HATE IT!
  • darkrose20
    darkrose20 Posts: 1,139 Member
    smoked oysters (for the iron)

    MMMMMM yum yum yum yum yum yum. I LOVE smoked oysters. The ones in the cottonseed oil.

    Oh, and to answer the sprouts. I found a frozen box done up in a butter sauce. YUMMMM!
  • ChristinaK69
    Mushrooms and avocados. Still not my favorite but they are kind of growing on me
  • Spiderkeys
    Spiderkeys Posts: 338 Member
    All Vegetables literialty, still avoid tomato though.
  • AmandaNoel91
  • mhasita
    mhasita Posts: 93 Member
    Snails. Here in Spain they are a delicatessen, but I never tried them because it grossed me out.

    One day I tried them, and they are actually very good, I'm still not fond of the texture though.