Yet another newb.

Hi all!

I'm Neona or Nx for short and I'm a new member to Having recently moved back to my hometown, I'm trying to get my life back on track. I'm proud to say today I joined a 24 hour gym and hopefully I can stay motivated enough to use it. Truthfully I'm a total sloth and getting out of the house can be a chore unto itself.

Right now, I'm 160lbs on a good day and my goal is to loose 50lbs and drop down to 110 or as close as physically possible. I don't know if I should set a goal time or not. Ideally, I'd like to do it by March (Or ASAP), but I understand these things take time and I shouldn't rush. Though I really really want to.

Anyways rambling, yes...

Happy to join cross your fingers I can stay motivated enough to keep it up!