One of the newbies! :)

**SORRY THIS IS SO LONG!** Hello everybody! :) My name's Nell. I'm new to this site. One of my class mates from Biology (who lost over 100 lbs. herself and is now a personal trainer) informed me about this site. A little about me (you can also look at my profile)...I've been overweight pretty much my whole life. I've tried multiple diets/pills and can never commit to them for literally more than a week. I'm the type of girl who will drive my car less than 2 blocks away to get a coke and candy bar from the store or eat fast food 2 times a day. I know. It's bad! XD Anyways, I just know it's time for me to get fit and healthy. After only 21 short years of living my healthy is starting to deteriorate due to my excessive weight and unhealthy eating, I do not like who I see in the mirror. I have a lot of goals for myself. I want to start mountain biking, boxing, I want to travel the world, finish school and become a Registered Nurse, build my own home by the time I'm 30, and some other great ones. I have a membership to my local YMCA and I will be planning to go to the gym at least 5 times a week. HERE IS WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN: I have NEVER committed to my healthy lifestyle for more than a week (except when I was sent to weight loss camp at 14 and I was stuck there all summer). SOOOOO, I told myself that I need to COMMIT FOR AT LEAST 90 DAYS (3 months, 12 weeks). I mean going to the gym, eating healthier, doing the best I can during these 90 days and then I told myself for whatever reason if I don't like my accomplishments after 90 days, then hey at least I tried! :) I even bought a calendar that I will mark off for the duration of those 90 days. If you read all of this, thank you! :D I'm always open to new ideas, I love getting advice, meeting new people, & hearing your personal stories of success.