New... Again...

Hello all,

I've been on MFP for a little over 2 years now. I've been on the weight roller coaster like it seems a lot of you have. As a teen, I was really slender. I went to college, ate a bunch of junk food, and gained a ton of weight. At my highest I was 205 lbs (I'm 5'2"). My senior year of college I got really sick and lost 40 lbs. I found out I have Crohn's woo hoo! :(

Anyhow, my daughter just turned 2. My pre-pregnancy weight was 175. I got back down to that weight pretty quickly. But managed to gain it all back and then some when I stopped breastfeeding when she was almost 11 months. I recently had another flare up of my Crohn's and was down to about 170 lbs, had to go on Prednisone (ugh) and now I'm back up to about 180 lbs. I'm off the meds now and feeling a lot better. I'm ready to get back on the horse... again...

I know a lot about food and nutrition (you're kind of forced to when you have GI problems). I know all about fiber and how it works. I can estimate a serving size of anything with almost exact precision (though I still use the food scale when I'm at home). I know all about calories in and calories out. So why am I still overweight? Because I have no self control!!!!! I just can't manage to stick to an exercise routine. I'll get really excited and do great for about a month and the sputter out. Or I'll have a really great calorie day and then totally blow it with a second helping at dinner or an evening snack. Which in itself isn't bad; but it always snowballs. Those "once in a while" treats become everyday treats.

How do I break the cycle?! I want my daughter to learn healthy eating and exercise habits from me. I truly believe that obesity is only "hereditary" because we inherit the bad eating and exercise habits of our parents. (Sorry if I offend anyone by saying that).

Anyways... Help! How do I make changes for LIFE?!
