Female 29 UK

Hi Everyone,

My name is Cheryl and I am 29. I live just outside of Tamworth in Staffordshire with my partner Chris.
I work as an administrator and basically sit on my bum all day typing words into a computer.
I have no children and no pets although one day I would like both :-)

I have been a succesful failure when it comes to dieting and healthy eating for more years than I like to remember and I realised today when I got on the scales and it shouted at me that only one person should stand on them at a time (I weigh 214.8lb) that I am infact the heaviest I have been EVER.

My weight is the root of all my issues.
I have no confidence, no self esteem. I hate myself and everything about myself.
As I said above I live with my partner Chris and I am scared that eventually he will leave. Not because I am fat, but because my self hatred is making me miserable and I am scared he will get annoyed with the mood swings and the tears.

I would like in total to lose 74.8lb and be happy with myself and my body.

I am looking friends to help motivate me and keep me focused on my journey.
Male or Female welcome, all ages but preferably from the UK.