green smoothie



  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    If you're having a smoothie as a meal, I'd suggest adding a decent serve of protein and good fats to help make it "last". If I just had fruit and vegetables I'd be starving in about 2 minutes....

    When I had smoothies (don't anymore, eat enough vegies and chewing your cals is better than drinking them), my "formula" was 3-4 cups greens, 1 piece or 1/2 cup fruit, a serve of protein and a good fat - 1/2 an avo, a couple tablespoons nut butter, coconut (milk, oil, butter) etc..
  • Haskin_Fuzernick
    Haskin_Fuzernick Posts: 22 Member
    Just one more thing that I sometimes add if my food combo isn't as sweet as I'd like it to be (though I almost always use some sort of sweet fruit which takes care of it). I grow stevia plants in my garden and then dry the leaves in the fall. You can grow it year-round indoors too, and it's pretty easy to grow and store. Toss a little bit of that in there. Just an idea. It's not a frequent thing, but I'll do that if I'm out of apple, or if I'm making a frozen dessert in the blender where I'd expect it to be sweeter than a drink.
  • morethenjustmum
    morethenjustmum Posts: 170 Member
    I have a smoothie every morning for breakfast
    I use 4 cups of leafy greens
    2 cups water
    2-3 cups fruit
    2 tbsp. chia
    2 tbsp. flax powder
    1 tsp maca powder
    and sometimes I add coconut oil

    This keeps me full till and weighs in around 300-375 cals

    I recommend green smoothie girl .com or her book green smoothie diet
    Robyn Openshaw is pretty awesome
  • DonaldChadDavis
    DonaldChadDavis Posts: 89 Member
    3/4 cup unsweetened original almond milk
    1 scoop of whey protein powder
    2 tbsp. of peanut butter
    1/2 or 1 banana
    2 or more cups of spinach
    2 cups ice

    I feel obligated to give source. Drew Manning
  • seamonsterr
    Green smoothies have been a pretty fun part of my diet for a couple of years. right now my favorite is this:

    One bahana
    1/2 cup organic vanilla soy milk
    1 cup water
    one apple
    big handful of baby spinach
    few ice cubes
    1-3 pitted dates to make it super sweet

    So tastey.....might go make one right now :)
  • egdn06
    egdn06 Posts: 1
    I started making green smoothies in the past week. I've begun trying to replace a meal a day with the green smoothie instead of a meal. This is what I put:

    - 1000mg Spirulina
    - 1 spoonful Nutiva Organic Hemp Protein Hi Fiber
    - 1 Banana
    - 1 Celery stalk
    - 1/2 apple
    - 1/2 a lemon
    - 2 large handful of kale
    - small handful of walnuts
    - 1 tablespoon of honey
    - 1/2 cup of water

    I loves it, though I think I need to rethink it since I tend to get hungry again after a couple hours even if Ive had two cups of it...
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
  • carlsoncarlson
    carlsoncarlson Posts: 7 Member
    I have a smoothie of chia seed, protein powder, blueberries and either kale or spinach every morning. I use the nutribullet. This is a great breakfast as I rush out the door. If you want the smoothie for lunch, you can make it in the morning and take it in a cooler in your car. That works really well for me!
  • Amitysk
    Amitysk Posts: 705 Member
    I really need to give this a try!
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    I love green smoothies and have been making them for 4-5 years but tend to avoid them when I'm trying to lose weight. It's pretty easy to slurp down 300-500 calories in a minute or two. I get a lot more satiety out of eating a meal instead.
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    I have one every morning for breakfast. My usual smoothie is:
    1 frozen banana
    1 cup frozen blueberries or raspberries
    1 scoop vegan protein powder
    1 cup almond milk (+ additional water if needed)
    handful of spinach and/or kale (stems removed from kale)

    It's delicious and keeps me full until lunch time. Sometimes, I'll add in a scoop of almond butter (especially if I'm out of almond milk), and handful of cashews, and/or some chia seeds or hemp seeds or something nutrient dense if I'm feeling run down. The great thing about smoothies is it's a great way to get in a lot of nutrients in a super quick amount of time.

    Ohhhh, I just realized this is a super old thread... sorry for adding to it. People, please stop doing that!!!
  • ChildrenCryinNCoffee
    ChildrenCryinNCoffee Posts: 477 Member
    For fair warning, raw Spinach and Kale can lead to Calcium Oxalate (Kidney Stones) or even Thyroid issues.

    I didn't even have more than roughly 1-3 cups each of them raw in a smoothie or salad, once or twice a week.

    But I ended up with Kidney Stones.

    Doctor recommended steaming/cooking them before adding them to a smoothie because it rids it of oxalic acid.

    But I'm scarred of it happening again, that I avoid them as much as possible.