T25 for the new year! Lets GO!



  • rjdunn87
    rjdunn87 Posts: 385 Member
    I just finished week 2 as well and feel great. :) Have lost 5 and a half pounds since starting.
  • jbug5j
    jbug5j Posts: 277 Member
    I just finished week 2 as well and feel great. :) Have lost 5 and a half pounds since starting.

    thats great! im down almost 4 :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • jbug5j
    jbug5j Posts: 277 Member
    Week 3 - Alpha Total Body Circuit + Cooldown
    128 Calories Burned

    i honestly dont think anything will change how much i dislike this workout. me and pushups NEVER got along. BUT i did it! and OMG was i covered in sweat. lol Happy Monday All!
  • jpryan28
    jpryan28 Posts: 1 Member
    I hate working out, I hate having to get dressed and figure a way to get to the gym.....ok, fine...I'll give this home workout a try.

    I did Day 01 Alpha Cardio today. Whooooa. 25 minutes nonstop exercise and he means it. I felt awful and kind of wanted to puke about halfway through, the steps were kind of hard to follow, but I caught myself laughing a couple times, and had sweat through my shirt. After about an hour of recovery, I felt great!

    And the best part was being in my own living room and just getting confusing looks from the dog.

    See you on Day 02 :-)
  • jbug5j
    jbug5j Posts: 277 Member
    Week 3 - Alpha Speed 1.0 + Cooldown
    164 Calories Burned

    I had it set in my mind tonight that i was going to just do a double day tomorrow, but that didnt feel right so i went ahead and did it. Worked, sweated, done.
  • jbug5j
    jbug5j Posts: 277 Member
    I hate working out, I hate having to get dressed and figure a way to get to the gym.....ok, fine...I'll give this home workout a try.

    I did Day 01 Alpha Cardio today. Whooooa. 25 minutes nonstop exercise and he means it. I felt awful and kind of wanted to puke about halfway through, the steps were kind of hard to follow, but I caught myself laughing a couple times, and had sweat through my shirt. After about an hour of recovery, I felt great!

    And the best part was being in my own living room and just getting confusing looks from the dog.

    See you on Day 02 :-)

    great job starting! its really fun and rewarding to be able to work through programs like this. :D my cats watch me all the time.. sometimes they get under foot or in my face when im on the floor lol gotta love pets :)
  • jbug5j
    jbug5j Posts: 277 Member
    Hey all! just checking in. last week (wed-fri) i was feeling sick so i took a break. i was planning on starting week 3 again yesterday but it just didnt happen. i HAVE, however, been jogging in place untll i reach my 10,000 step goal for the day. today i jogged for 1 hour and 10 minutes to burn 718 calories. :) pretty much burning off dinner. so yeah. :) still working out, even if its not "too plan" :) hope everyone is getting out there and moving!
  • krisjackson31105
    krisjackson31105 Posts: 160 Member
    I did day 2 of week 2 today.I actually finished Total Body Circuit this time.I had to stop halfway last week.I lost about 6 lbs or so so far.
  • nicpap617
    nicpap617 Posts: 38 Member
    Tomorrow will be Week 1 Day 3-total body circuit for me. I'm excited, I love this program. Cant wait for staturday
  • piffer28
    piffer28 Posts: 7 Member
    A little discourged. I am on Day 3 of week 4 and am only down 6 lbs total. I was hoping to be down more by now :-( I have a lot to lose so I figured the first bit would come off faster!
    I never skip workouts and I stay at my calorie goal each day. Hopefully it will pick up soon.
  • jbug5j
    jbug5j Posts: 277 Member
    A little discourged. I am on Day 3 of week 4 and am only down 6 lbs total. I was hoping to be down more by now :-( I have a lot to lose so I figured the first bit would come off faster!
    I never skip workouts and I stay at my calorie goal each day. Hopefully it will pick up soon.

    so far i have been on a pretty consistant 2lbs a week loss. im extremely excited about it. :) you should be too, im excited for you :D im hoping that, even though im not T25ing, im still getting my steps in and jogging in place for almost an hour a day that i will keep losing. a loss is a win in my book! :):drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • krisjackson31105
    krisjackson31105 Posts: 160 Member
    I did lower focus today around 1 pm or so and I did the Ab Interval at around 6.I had to do it that way since lower focus I was spent then when I did Ab Interval I had to take couple of breaks.All in pretty good workout.I still following the modifier.I will follow it probably till I lose about 50 lbs or whenever it all gets easier to handle.Now off day Saturday and I think I might do the stretch Sunday since I didn't do it last weekend.As of now I haven't lost any weight this week for some reason.First week I lost about 5 lbs now nothing.
  • Albertrud
    Albertrud Posts: 12 Member
    Big boo's jbug5j!
    I came looking for this thread hoping to see how you was getting on, don't stop! pick it back up monday at week three, keep going!!

    It must have been the same time/day you stopped doing T25 the first time I ripped my calf and had to stop doing working, I had done P90x before so T25 being so sort I thought would be awesome and it was (although a lot more cardio than T25) I took a few weeks off working out, christmas/new year/couldn't walk! :D

    Now P90x3 is out I've started out on that journey and today is my week 4 day 5, I'm really trying to push it, I hope you get back in to the workouts I know the feeling when I realized I could suddenly do push ups unaided and then last week I could do a chin up and a pull up!

    ok I can only do one or two pull up / chin ups but it's a start right?
  • jbug5j
    jbug5j Posts: 277 Member
    so im sure you've all noticed that i havent done t25 fir a few weeks, it was mostly because i was tired of getting sweaty and gross 5 days a week. nothing bad came of it so thats good. actually, i found my recipe for maintaining (at this weight but it shouldnt be too different when i get to my goal weight) 10000 steps and staying under my calories means i dont lose or gain. so SOMETHING came of me stopping t25. however, that is not my intention so monday i am starting week 1 again and going to burn burn burn!

    @Albertrund - no more big boos!!!!! monday it is! :D:drinker:
  • rjdunn87
    rjdunn87 Posts: 385 Member
    A little discourged. I am on Day 3 of week 4 and am only down 6 lbs total. I was hoping to be down more by now :-( I have a lot to lose so I figured the first bit would come off faster!
    I never skip workouts and I stay at my calorie goal each day. Hopefully it will pick up soon.

    I only lost 6 pounds total for all of alpha round (finished it yesterday). Don't be discouraged, that's still a great loss! A pound or a little more per week is totally healthy and sustainable. I will admit that I had been thinking it would come off a bit faster as well since I also have a good bit to lose, but I think if we just keep at it we'll start seeing the changes. I hear that Beta and Gamma is where it really starts to pick up, so I'm hoping that's true in our cases :)
  • Albertrud
    Albertrud Posts: 12 Member
    I got really sloppy myself really over Christmas, I stopped logging everything I ate and drank and thought I was doing ok, in reality the lack of strictness meant I was eating too many cals without realizing it, I've been very strict again this week and I've dropped 6 lbs Mon-Saturday, 1lb a day, how ever I did weight myself evening Monday and morning Saturday so we'll have to see what it shows Monday night for the week.

    Getting back in to it, 4th week of P90x3 is too much bendy stretchy stuff though :p
  • jbug5j
    jbug5j Posts: 277 Member
    T25 Alpha Cardio + Cooldown
    203 Calories

    Back on it today! I felt like i still had endurance from when i was doing it a few weeks ago but i got super thirsty 20 min in :) Glad to be back!
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Well done for getting back to it!
  • LLCoolF23
    Hey guys, I could use some advice.

    I just wrapped up my 3rd weeks of T25. The first two weeks were great. I had tons of energy, was feeling awesome after the workouts, and though I have only lost about 1lb, I've really toned up. In addition to this, I play full-court basketball once a week in an intramural league and usually also either go for a Hike once a week or play half-court bball as well. For some reason, I just felt really burned during week 3. The energy just hasn't been there, I don't feel as strong as I did the previous two weeks, and I've also started getting shin splints. I really don't want to take a break from this and lose the momentum I had the first two weeks. I have been using C4 before workouts and Shakeolgy after work outs.

    Some stats about me: I'm a 28 year old male, 5'8 and 190lbs --- it sounds like a heavy weight, but I'm more on the muscular side, but I do still need to lose some pounds. My target weight is 175. I was at that weight 6 months ago when I got married, but as a newlywed, my wife and I went on a binge of eating out and it derailed that ideal weight I was at. I'm not following the meal plan or counting calories, but for the most part I eat healthy as I cook most of my meals and eat a good amount of lean meat. Every Friday my wife and I split a bottle of red wine and a frozen pizza. That's typically our only "cheat meal", although we also cheated during the Superbowl. I probably could drink more water, but I drink about 5-8 glasses a day. Maybe closer to five glasses a day.

    Does anyone have any advice on boosting my energy and protecting my shins? Any general advice on something I'm missing would be appreciated as I'm not really a fitness buff.

    Thanks all.
  • nicpap617
    nicpap617 Posts: 38 Member
    A little discourged. I am on Day 3 of week 4 and am only down 6 lbs total. I was hoping to be down more by now :-( I have a lot to lose so I figured the first bit would come off faster!
    I never skip workouts and I stay at my calorie goal each day. Hopefully it will pick up soon.

    I'm starting Alpha week 4 today and I haven't lost a single pound! But I notice my body changing and that's what counts. It has taken me years to stop worrying about what the scale says and I've never felt better. I only weight myself as part of staturday, otherwise I wouldn't even own a scale! I also noticed that my inches haven't changed all that much either, but my clothes are fitting better. So I think it's muscle gain and fat loss. Keep up the good work and stay off the scale! ;)