
Okay before I get started with my workouts/diet, I need to get to the bottom of this!

I'm not super overweight but enough to make it uncomfortable.
I have chunky thighs, thick calves (but I can still see my ankles), love handles, and a gut.
My bellybutton looks like it's frowning :(
I'm not even sure what "shape" I have.


>>>>My hip bones stick out???<<<<
I'm pretty confused lol.


  • SerenaKitty
    Okay before I get started with my workouts/diet, I need to get to the bottom of this!

    I'm not super overweight but enough to make it uncomfortable.
    I have chunky thighs, thick calves (but I can still see my ankles), love handles, and a gut.
    My bellybutton looks like it's frowning :(
    I'm not even sure what "shape" I have.


    >>>>My hip bones stick out???<<<<
    I'm pretty confused lol.

    I'm borderline obese and I have the same body type. My hips always stick out and my jeans are always loose in the lower stomach area. I also have larger thighs and calves.

    When at my comfortable weight, I can basically just look down my pants. Don't feel bad, OP. We're all pretty funhouse mirror in our own special way.
  • Slrajr
    Slrajr Posts: 438 Member
    If suggest you not get to the bottom of this and get started.
    We can always think of a reason/ excuse not to get started, this one is new to me:)
  • KimJohnsonsmile
    KimJohnsonsmile Posts: 222 Member

    We're all pretty funhouse mirror in our own special way.


    ^^^ Love this - so true!
  • DoYouEvenDubstep
    Ugh you're right, Slrajr, I'm such a procrastinator lol

    I'd post pics but it's embarrassing :/

    I love that funhouse mirror quote<3
  • MirrorMe33
    MirrorMe33 Posts: 35 Member
    This is me too! I have always found the sticking out hip bones to be a weird thing. I've also got the same thing with my ribs but I'm definitely too high in my weight range!

    I've just started on a new program and can't wait to find out where my body shape settles. Hopefully the bones everywhere don't make me look too skinny or unhealthy!
  • DoYouEvenDubstep
    I got the Slim in 6 program a while back. It's an older program but when I had the motivation to do it, I could actually start to see results!! I'm really excited to see what my body shape is as well. I certainly hope my hips don't look super bony and weird lol
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Is there a question in here somewhere?
  • justinproulx1
    guys like big hips IJS..its sexy lol
  • DoYouEvenDubstep
    The question was insinuated lol. I am overweight but my hips stick out like they would on a thinner person and I don't know why that is?
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    The question was insinuated lol. I am overweight but my hips stick out like they would on a thinner person and I don't know why that is?

    It sounds as if you are just a bigger-boned person and you don't carry your weight around your hips, but rather your belly and thighs. I wouldn't worry about it too much, you'll look fine as you lose weight. It's not a good reason to not try to be healthy and lose weight because you're worried about what your hip bones will look like. Just get going and see what happens!
  • InForBacon
    InForBacon Posts: 1,508 Member
    It's because of your bone structure. That's it. Mine do the same thing. They get more pronounced when my bf% is lower. I suggest weight training so that you can have some muscle around that area as well. I also suggest it because it is a great form of exercise.
  • ExtremePhobia
    When at my comfortable weight, I can basically just look down my pants. Don't feel bad, OP. We're all pretty funhouse mirror in our own special way.

    Very true. Don't worry about it so much. You may find that if you do some light exercises that work the muscles around your hips (flexors perhaps?) then you'll actually cover the bones up with muscle. Just think that since there's no fat there, you've got a head start in that area on the look you want.
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    Are you looking for asnwers or excuses to not work out? You already know you have issues with your belly, and thighs, so get hopping. Start your calorie deficit, and melt some fat away. Your hip bones are unrelated to your need to improve your fitness.
  • DoYouEvenDubstep
    I guess it might have a lot to do with muscle.. I have like no muscle mass anywhere. Just skin on top of fat on top of bone :b
    Don't know why that didn't cross my mind lol. Thanks guys! I might post pics later but idk yet.
  • DoYouEvenDubstep
    Are you looking for asnwers or excuses to not work out? You already know you have issues with your belly, and thighs, so get hopping. Start your calorie deficit, and melt some fat away. Your hip bones are unrelated to your need to improve your fitness.

    I was looking for answers for sure. I actually just got done with an hour long workout~
  • tempehforever
    tempehforever Posts: 183 Member
    I mean, everyone is different, I don't think there is a "reason" for this, other than genetics. It is sort of like asking why I have blond hair or why I am 5'6". Those are just my genes?

    For what its worth, I also have prominent hip bones that stick out no matter how fit or unfit I am. I am pretty slim, and this hasn't changed--I have a hard time finding pants that fit, actually, because things that fit around my giant pelvis are way too big everywhere else. It's not a big deal--it is just my body. Not sure what you are concerned about?
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    Hey, I think we have similar body types! (: I have the frowning belly button too, lol. Also, I've always had fun with jeans with my thick legs and waistbands that gape because I have to fit them in the hips.

    This could differ for you, but when I lost weight, this is what happened:

    My hips became slightly more bony, but mostly stayed the same.
    My calves mostly stayed the same.
    My thighs shrunk like shrinky dinks.
    My belly button is still slightly frowny because I carry my weight on my upper stomach rather than my lower stomach, but it's not as squished as before. At the very least, I can actually see it now without sucking it in my gut. xD
    I also shrunk a crazy amount around my ribs (six inches off my band size), but my breasts did not shrink too badly (though I do have some stretch mark issues with them, nothing too bad).