20 yo girl, 180 pounds.. Please help me! :(

I am 20 years old, I am 5'3 and I weigh 180 pounds. I used to play Junior Olympic volleyball, but when I got to college it was all down hill - started drinking, eating a ton of junk. I gained 30 pounds :( not that I was ever skinny skinny but 150 looked good on me (I don't want to embarrass myself but I have a very large chest and always have - DD... I'd like to lose some of that too :/ ) I have never been this big before and I would really like some MFP friends to keep me accountable and motivated. I would like to lose all 30 pounds. Right now I've just been doing the slim fast diet and running everyday.. (And occasionally doing a Richard Simmons workout with my mom as I am home from school for winter break haha) and drinking 5-6 bottles of water a day. I just started 3 days ago and the scale says I've lost 2.1 pounds.

Please list any tips, comments, stories you might have! I would love to hear them all!

Let's be friends! Please add me :)


  • GothyFaery
    GothyFaery Posts: 762 Member

    I'm 25 5'5 and when I started 88 days ago, I was 185 pounds. You sound like you're doing pretty good so far! Congrats! My advice to you would be consider saving your money and stopping slim fast. You can do this all without fad diets. When I first started I was looking for a fad because I didn't know how easy weight loss actually is. It's all about calories in vs. calories out. As long as you burn more calories than you eat a day, you will lose weight, no matter what those calories are. I eat fast food at least 3 times a week. I make the calories fit and I've been steadily losing. This is a life change, not something you will do for a while and then go back to your old ways. If you start eating like you used to again, you will gain the weight again.

    I hope that helps you! I sent you a friend request as well. Lurk around the forums for a while and see what others say about how they lost/are losing the weight.
  • ponycyndi
    ponycyndi Posts: 858 Member
    I know there aren't many fans of slim fast on this site, but I've used it, it helped me to jump start because it replaced the high calorie meals and fast food I was eating. I was able to slowly replace them with healthy meals, but still use them for a fast breakfast out lunch on the go when I don't have time to make a healthy smoothie.

    Just keep up the great work! Small steps will get you there and keep you there.
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    If I could go back and tell my 20 year old dieting self just one thing it would be: Be patient. Don't starve yourself trying to lose more than a couple pounds a week. Don't freak when the scale goes up a little, it's water weight.

    Okay, that was two things.
  • annAsami
    Hey there! I am 23 and at 160. I went down hill after I stopped working and have been trying to get back into the 140's. Now I never did the whole 3-2-1 plan for slimfast but I do like the powder shakes for breakfast because it is easy on the stomach that early, helps avoid going for the sugary cereal my husband likes and it does have some good stuff for you. I do agree that you should stay away from fads because they may work at first but they always fail, the best thing to do is just slowly change your way of eating for good. Don't just cut foods out that you really like because you will go back instead find a way to work it in to your life in a good way. Say you really love pizza well instead of saying never again say only once a month and limit it to 2 slices. Other than that exercise is key!! And other than the normal working out add in a few little things through the day like park farther away from stores, stand instead of sitting, if you are just standing (like doing laundry or cooking) and in some lunges and squats and if you have 10 min of nothing to do go for a quick walk!! Just remember you can do it!!!