Getting Wedding Day Ready!

Hi all!
Quick introduction-my name is Lacey, and I'm new to the forums, although I have been using myfitnesspal on and off for a year or two. This time I am going to do my best to stay dedicated to a healthy regimen, because I have a wedding to get in shape for! I am looking to lose about 15 lbs by Oct...shouldn't be too hard :) I also wanna tone up! I will be active in the forums and creating a blog on here to keep track. Any feedback, tips, and motivation is helpful...I hate to say it but I am definitely one of those people who will lose interest in something and just stop doing it, and I don't want to do that this time! :)


  • louapol
    louapol Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Lacey,
    I'm new to the forums too. We share the same tendency (along with millions of others) to get bored and stop logging food, exercising everyday, etc. The secret is to take it a day at a time and log your progress in a very visible place, like a calendar on your fridge. I use Endomondo's calendar to motivate me, and when I see that calendar fill up with all of the different exercising icons, it gets me going. Conversely, when I see it empty for a few days, it lights a fire under my *kitten* to get me moving.

    I'm getting married in three months. I just started P90X3 four days ago, and I plan to follow the regimen until my wedding day. Since it's only 30 minutes a day, I'll have no excuses. I could also add a run and some extra exercise when I'm feeling energetic. But I think the fact that it's only 30 minutes a day heightens your chance for success, b/c everyone has at least 30 mins in their day to commit to taking care of their bodies.

    So in summary, my advice is, pick a workout regimen that's realistic and start small (doesn't have to be p90x3 - could be a 2 or 3 mile jog). Just get in the habit of doing something everyday. Then add to it. And log everything!...including your eating habits. You've been using myfitnesspal on and off...keep it on!

    Good luck!