What are you're 2014 fitness goals?



  • thekyleo
    thekyleo Posts: 632 Member
    1. I only have 8.5 lbs left to lose until I reach my goal. I would love to reach that in the next 6 weeks.
    2. I am embarking on a 30-day ab challenge starting Wednesday. I would love to complete that and also tone my arms more, and find an ideal toning regimen that works for me and eliminates loose skin.
    3. I would love to run a 5k. I have actually contemplated the idea for awhile, but have never actually done it.

    Those are my main goals, among many others.

    Well a good fully body workout will help with building muscle, you can usually find them free on bodybuilding.com.
  • Midori_i
    Midori_i Posts: 91 Member
    One unassisted pull-up (I've never been able to do one)
    30 push-ups (last year's goal was 20, which I reached, and then went back to 17)
    run 6 miles in under an hour
  • Harrisonsauntie
    I have my first 5k race tomorrow night to see 2013 out with a bang. I have signed up for my 1st 10k in Feb, another in May, a trail 10K in August and a half marathon in October. Those are the main goals so far for 2014 :smile:

    Nice :) I really want to push my running a bit more, I get half way through c25k and stop

    I started with C25K in April at almost 300lbs and hated it up to wk 7. Suddenly something clicked and I fell in love with running. I'm still heavy and slow but love it! Stick with C25K, it does work. I made a deal with myself that if I couldn't complete a session then I had to redo it - the thought of having to go through the 30mins again was a hell of an incentive not to give in with 2 or 3 mins to go! Good luck :)

    Yeah I think I will start again in January 3 miles and I can tick a box!
  • Morgaath
    Morgaath Posts: 679 Member
    17% body fat.
    Under 30 min 5k, & under 9 min mile.
    5 pull ups -- But first I have to get my shoulder to quit killing me.
    Make a move over to free weights from using machines -- but only if I can find a time I am not dealing with the 10 or so vanity boys who seem to spend as much time looking in the mirrors as they do lifting. Already know I really need to for a couple of things as I am hitting 3 sets of 15 with everything that machine has.
    Make it to level 2 on this Gladiator workout. http://neilarey.com/workouts/gladiator-workout.html --- Currently only making it through one round, and I'd like to hit 5.
  • explosivedonut
    explosivedonut Posts: 419 Member
    Do a handstand. Hold it for a minimum of 10 seconds.

    Do the 300 workout: http://www.menshealth.com/fitness/muscle-building-11/page/2

    Bench 2 plates minimum of 5 reps (currently at 185x5).

    Get to a full plate OHP.
  • spookyjo
    spookyjo Posts: 76 Member
    1- I'm going to start running again, i haven't raced since 2010 so
    starting C25K this wk and have applied to enter a 5k in March.

    2 - Continue with Strong Lifts and move onto Allpro later on.

    3 - I've just bought a pull bar so will try my best to learn how do pull up.

    4 - Pick up on my bag and pad work at Kick Boxing classes.

    5 - Be consistent in logging.

    Good luck in your goals everyone :smile:
  • RunnerElizabeth
    RunnerElizabeth Posts: 1,091 Member
    Sub 25 min 5k
    Sub 2 hour half marathon
    Run first full marathon
    Make it up to 10 unassisted pullups (I can do 2 right now, 3 is almost there. I hear once you can do them, adding reps is much easier, and considering the fact I didn't know I could do 1 until it turned out I could do 2, this seems true).
    Get a bike and make use of it
    Maybe try to start lifting heavy
  • zombiemomjo
    zombiemomjo Posts: 546 Member
    1. Finish T25 without injury (today is day one)!
    2. Finish 2 5K's (ran my first ever in 2012, and did horribly on the one in 2013)
    3. Warrior Dash with my lovely friend who did her first last year!
  • feelin_gr_8
    feelin_gr_8 Posts: 308 Member
    For me, it's lose 50 more pounds by my 1st sprint triathlon in August....continue in awesomeness...
  • RangerRN507
    RangerRN507 Posts: 124 Member
    finally run a sub-5minute mile (current best is 5:13)

    deadlift 500
    bench 335
    squat 405
    do 15 pullups with 45lb plate
  • Harrisonsauntie
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    finally run a sub-5minute mile (current best is 5:13)

    Damn, that's impressive (especially paired with your strength goals).

    Good luck!
  • FlabToFabJourney
    1. Reach goal weight (this is obviously linked to fitness - its pretty difficult to run when you are carrying all the extra weight).
    2. Complete C25K
    3. Improve on this to be able to run 10km, then 20km.
    4. Complete a half marathon in October (I completed the same one in 2012, but missed the cutoff time by 10 minutes).
    5. If all goes according to plan, will then be able to appear in public in a bathing costume, and take part in IronMan Corporate challenge in April 2015.

    Wish me luck.....
    So many inspiring stories on MFP!
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    1. 1200 raw powerlifting total at >208 lbs bodyweight.
    2. See #1