10 THYROID TIDBITS that just may enlighten you!

July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Thyroid tidbit #1 COCONUT OIL: Thyroid patients continue to report that the daily use of Coconut Oil (extra virgin is good) caused an increase in metabolism and even weight loss in somewho wanted the latter. How much daily? It varies from 2–4 T. but be careful, as too much can cause diarrhea.

Thyroid tidbit #2 GRASS FED DESICCATED THYROID: Are you worried what the pigs were eating before the thyroids became desiccated?? If so, try Dr. Lowe’s Thyro-Gold, which is actually from cow who are pasture-fed. Then report back to STTM on the Contact Me page and tell us how it works for you as a treatment, or not work. I will compile information and report it here.

Thyroid tidbit #3 ALZHEIMERS DISEASE: Improving your thyroid function just may lessen your chance of getting dementia. But research has also found a Leptin connection: http://www.webmd.com/alzheimers/news/20091215/more-leptin-may-mean-less-alzheimers

Thyroid tidbit #4: ASHWAGANDHA: If you have sluggish adrenals and are on cortisol, adding the herb Ashwagandha can be an excellent and natural additional support for your adrenals. Even without adrenal fatigue, it’s also good in the face of excess emotional stress, and is an anti-inflammatory.

Thyroid tidbit #5 REVERSE T3–IS YOURS TOO HIGH? The body naturally converts T4 to RT3 as a way to clear out excess T4. But you can also make too much when your ferritin is too low, your adrenals are stressed, B12 is low, in the presence of diabetes, and other chronic issues. High levels of RT3 can cause a pounding heartrate, continued hypo, and just a feeling that you aren’t feeling great yet. To learn more, go here.

Thyroid tidbit #6 BI-POLAR: Have you been diagnosed with bi-polar disease? If so, you might want to do the right tests for hypothyroidism, since there can be a strong connection between the two, and you can either be undiagnosed thanks to the wrong test, or undertreated thanks to Synthroid, Levoxyl, Eltroxin or other T4-only medications. Read more here plus more detail in the STTM book.

Thyroid tidbit #7 GREEN POWDER and CHOCOLATE: Don’t like green veggies but want to be healthy? Look into the different varieties of “Green Powder” that you can stir into your favorite juice or water. Read the labels, tho, and avoid those with soy. Like chocolate?? They now make CHOCOLATE FLAVORED GREEN SUPERGREEN POWDERS and I am a huge fan. Just google what is all in caps before this.

Thyroid tidbit #8 YOUR GRANDMA: Thyroid function will naturally go downward in the elderly.That’s why grandma starts wearing that purple sweater in weather you are sweating in. But putting those over 65 on T4-only thyroxine is not the answer, as a recent study showed. That’s why YOU AND I are lucky to be on desiccated thyroid with its direct T3, or even those of you who are on T3 only.

Thyroid tidbit #9 EGGS ARE A BIT SCARY RIGHT NOW: Not necessarily for thyroid folks only, but you should be aware that with the recent recall of huge amounts of eggs in the US, there are reports of a four-fold increase in Salmonella Enteritidis infections since May 2010 because of eggs and health officials fear the worst may be yet to come. Why? Because the same eggs have been used in other products. Scroll down this page to see list of recalled eggs. P.S. if you get salmonella and are on cortisol for adrenal fatigue, you should discuss with your doctor about using OTC cortisol cream, since you may not be able to hold down the pills. 1/4 tsp equals 10 mg cortisol.

Thyroid tidbit #10 FLU SHOTS vs. VITAMIN D: Just when you are making progress treating your hypothyroidism and/or adrenal fatigue comes the season for the flu. And if you google the same same title of this tidbit, you’ll see numerous articles about the efficacy of taking Vit. D rather than the flu shots. How much? General recommendation are 1000 IU’s daily at the minimum. Others point to more. Do your research.


  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    These are just more reasons if you are hypothyroid to inquire about dessicated (natural) thyroid meds and not accept the Doctor telling you that the Synthetics work better.

    Personally, I am glad I made the switch!!!
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I've recently been diagnosed with hypothyroidism, and am not excited (to say the least) about taking medication for the rest of my life. I also have nodules on both sides of my thyroid (thankfully benign) that are probably part of the problem. I will definitely look into these natural options. Is this something you were able to convince a "normal" doctor of, or did you get these from a naturopath?
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Thanks Lioness!!!!!
  • heatther
    heatther Posts: 227 Member
    These are just more reasons if you are hypothyroid to inquire about dessicated (natural) thyroid meds and not accept the Doctor telling you that the Synthetics work better.

    Personally, I am glad I made the switch!!!

    Funny thing is that I am hyperthyroid but have all the symptoms of hypo. Then actually have me listed as mild graves however I AM FAT! What the hell?
  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member
    Thank you July! I am interested in ASHWAGANDHA. Do you take this?

    Although blood tests show I don't have a thyroid problem, when I do the basal temperature test first thing in the morning I am ALWAYS in the slow thyroid area, but "modern" medicine won't fix me! These are great tips for me to pursue, personally!

    I am currently reading "Perfect Health" by Deepak Choprah & he suggested his. I wish I could give everyone here that book.

    Awesome thread!
  • tater8589
    tater8589 Posts: 616
    Thank you. My mom was just diagnosed with it, i havent been able to go see the Dr yet, but symptoms line up. I will try some of these options too.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I've recently been diagnosed with hypothyroidism, and am not excited (to say the least) about taking medication for the rest of my life. I also have nodules on both sides of my thyroid (thankfully benign) that are probably part of the problem. I will definitely look into these natural options. Is this something you were able to convince a "normal" doctor of, or did you get these from a naturopath?

    Nope, normal doctors and Endocrinologists are where I first started losing faith in the Medical community. I don't adhere to any Conventional Wisdom Medical practices.

    I go to a Naturopathic Doctor and a Natural Pharmacy for all meds.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Thank you July! I am interested in ASHWAGANDHA. Do you take this?

    Although blood tests show I don't have a thyroid problem, when I do the basal temperature test first thing in the morning I am ALWAYS in the slow thyroid area, but "modern" medicine won't fix me! These are great tips for me to pursue, personally!

    I am currently reading "Perfect Health" by Deepak Choprah & he suggested his. I wish I could give everyone here that book.

    Awesome thread!

    hang in there and find a Dr that will treat the symptoms and your body...............not the lab work!!!
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I take these vitamins and no other supplements. These were recommended because they contain freeze dried thyroid, adrenal and pituitary in them along with vitamins and minerals.

    These are raw vitamins, not synthetics.

  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Thanks July for the insightful info.

    I follow the The Hormone Diet by Dr. Natasha Turner, ND. She is a natural path doctor who also has hypothyroidism. Very insightfuly read. I have had huge improvements with my health following the book.

  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Thanks July for the insightful info.

    I follow the The Hormone Diet by Dr. Natasha Turner, ND. She is a natural path doctor who also has hypothyroidism. Very insightfuly read. I have had huge improvements with my health following the book.


    My doctor is a ND too. Her name is Cindy Willebrand and she is at Webster Family Physicians in Webster Grove (St Louis, MO).
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