Nutrasumma Pea Protein

Does anyone have recommended recipes for this powder? I have been using Garden of Life unflavored and adding some lemon to make it palatable.
The Pea Protein is so thick I almost gagged... any ideas for when I'm at the office without a blender?



  • Muldoon432
    Muldoon432 Posts: 5 Member
    I would recommend Alive Pea Protein and just mix fruit or berries in it for a better flavor (in a mixer), It has more than just protein - lots of "super foods" and it is easy to use. Pea protein alone sounds like yuc
  • tasharock
    tasharock Posts: 136 Member
    It was so bad - there are no words. I tasted it for hours afterwards... uhg.
    Now what to do with this giant container of protein.