working out and being sick

so im used to working out alot like i like to run for an hour or do stairmaster or some other form of cardio and some weights...every day but now im sick which usually never happens and terrible and havnt been able to workout now for 2 days . How do you guys feel when this happens to you still go and workout? im just looking for some advice thanx


  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    Depends. If it's just a common cold, I usually push through but if it's something more serious I just take it easy until it's better. Dont want to end up making it worse by putting too much strain on your body.
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    I took all of last week off with a really bad cold. Even the days I didn't feel too awful, I was exhausted. No harm done, I started workout out as soon as I felt well enough.

    Also, if you workout in a public gym...PLEASE don't go. I don't need your germs, and that's one of the biggest reasons I didn't push myself to work out last week...I didn't need to spread mine around.
  • mbennett2283
    If the sickness is south of the neck take some days off and rest. During the Thanksgiving holiday I got nailed with the flu and didn't work out all week. I still lost five pounds.

    I tried to work out right at the beginning before things got ugly and it just didn't work.
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    I agree that if your symptoms are below the neck you should rest. Taking a few days off won't hurt you in the long run. You can still keep your calories in check.
    If you have symptoms above the neck (the sniffles) you could do a light workout if you're up to it.
  • needit
    needit Posts: 31 Member
    thankx everyone yea im taking another rest day