Why do some people not gain weight after starving?

So my friend went to India in July 2010 for 1 month, before that i knew him as the somewhat chubby kid with a fat midsection and was a pretty slow runner. When i saw him the September after, he was much slimmer and was actually pretty fast. I asked him what happened and he said that on his trip he didn't really like the food that was there, which is ironic because he is Indian himself and he said that he mainly ate rice and cereal when hungry and he said that near the end of the trip his rib cage was showing and when arriving back home, he binged, even on KFC and only gained some of the weight back. Now to this day he eats alot, more than before the trip and naturally stays skinny, but though he is not leaner than me and i am a slim mesomorph meaning i am naturally bigger and leaner than him. So my question is why didn't he gain all the weight back? Why did he go from an endomorph to a skinny fat ectomorph? Wasn't his metabolism suppose to slow down instead of permanently stay elevated?


  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    1. theres no such scientific thing as somatypes (ectomoprh, mesomorph, endomorph)
    2. he has different genetics
    3. there is no such thing as starvation mode
    4. he's still technically going through puberty (if you're the same age) so his body is still changing.
    5. 1 month isn't anywhere near enough time to case any metabolic damage