Grocery shopping

So do you find that grocery shopping is cheaper now because of smaller portions? Or more expensive because most healthy foods cost more money?or about the same? I'm just curious.ive found I spend slightly less, but mostly because I eat out a whole lot less then I used to. I spend about 800 a month ( 2 adults, 3 kids) but that's including 3 cats 1 dog and 1 turtle lol but m-f the kids don't eat breakfast or lunch at home. Do I think that's a reasonable amount?


  • Lynn_babcock
    Lynn_babcock Posts: 220 Member
    It's about the same for us. We eat a little less and I buy a few things that cost more (a few things this week were sesame seeds, sesame oil, fresh ginger.. for stirfries). The kids aren't being restricted.. they eat about the same. We have 2 boys ages 4 and 6.. so they aren't high consumers yet. We have 3 big dogs, and a cat. We're on $100 a week budget for anything beyond bills. It feels tight but it works.
  • chezjuan
    chezjuan Posts: 747 Member
    About the same. I've always bought lots of fresh food, so that hasn't changed. And although I eat smaller portions, that just means that we get more lunches out of the leftovers. :laugh:
  • Haskin_Fuzernick
    Haskin_Fuzernick Posts: 22 Member
    Higher for me in the winter. Lower in the summer. The reason - the garden. I'd say overall that we pay more now though if you average the costs for the year.

    I look at the cost difference as a trade-off. Cheaper garbage food now and increased medical costs in the future with fewer productive and enjoyable years, or better, more expensive food now and lower medical costs down the road. Of course, I could still have a heart attack, but I went from a certainty of problems (already had significant joint pain, was prediabetic, and had high cholesterol and BP) to having a good chance at avoiding or prolonging problems (limited joint pain, and my sugars, BP, and cholesterol are great). 20 lbs to go yet, so hopefully that'll help the joint pain some more. Medications are also expensive and can have expensive side-effects, so being off all meds has saved us a ton.

    So -- I really don't think about the cost difference. The potential ROI for the improved diet is so extreme that it's not worth worrying about.
  • feelin_gr_8
    feelin_gr_8 Posts: 308 Member
    I think we save a ton. Not only portion sizes, but it's a lot cheaper to buy ingredients and cook yourself than buying frozen dinners. Also, it depends on what you're buying. It's a special treat when we make portabello pizzas because the mushrooms cost so much. But things like carrots and celery are dirt cheap! Plus-pop, chips, candy-they are expensive!!!