End of December check in

Hey all!
It's just about the end of the month, so check in and lets hear those successes for the month.

Here's my check in. This month I finally took weight loss seriously, unlike those phony attempts earlier in the year. I'm on holidays now from University and I'm using this time to adjust my lifestyle and make a difference! I feel fantastic now that I am eating healthier and working out consistently.

This month I have lost 4 kilograms (I think that's roughly 8 or 9 pounds?) and it is a huge motivator for me to keep up the hard work.

So everybody, how has your month gone?


  • NessaR2011
    NessaR2011 Posts: 184 Member
    I've lost 10lb (4.5kg) this month despite having 6 different holiday events to attend and baking 4 different desserts and 60+ dozen cookies. My willpower only let me down a few times for a cookie or 2 but I never went over my calorie intake!
  • Cloudy_36
    The Christmas period was definitely a difficult time to keep on track, well done on continuing to lose weight! I was the same as you, I didn't go over my intake which was a very satisfying feeling!
  • NessaR2011
    NessaR2011 Posts: 184 Member
    Thanks! Great job to you as well! It's not easy when people offer all kinds of food to "try" etc. Next month will be good to us if we keep on track!!
  • craziwrld
    craziwrld Posts: 43 Member
    I have lost 6lbs this past month through diet alone, and cheating a little bit through the holidays :-)
  • NessaR2011
    NessaR2011 Posts: 184 Member
    If you still lost, it's a WIN!
  • ktdiddy
    ktdiddy Posts: 43 Member
    After a terrible couple of months both food and exercise wise, I am into my second week on track. I went from 81kg at my lowest to 87kg at my heaviest which was a HUGE wake-up call for me and the biggest gain I have had since I started losing weight in January 2011. I started IIFYM and have found it very satisfying - I am eating less calories than I was but am actually finding it hard to force myself to eat more because the food choices I am making are filling me up big time. Weighed in this morning and am currently at 84.9kg.

    Exercise wise, I have been consistent at the gym since Boxing Day and have been sticking to a routine of HIIT on the treadmill followed by about 40mins of strength training (mostly lifting free weights).

    Most importantly though, I am feeling at peace in mind and body! Looking forward to my results at the end of January.
  • Saramelie
    Saramelie Posts: 308 Member
    My december was.. interesting. I started seriously on Dec 1st, quickly lost 9 pounds, then ate like crazy from dec 21st to dec 31st and yesterday morning I was up 7 pounds, so basically I lost 2 pounds in December. Which is GOOD for me, because I can easily gain 10 pounds in 2 weeks when I go at it (binges). So I`m happy. Now back on track and in higher gear for 2014! I have to add that I exerciced everyday in december, yay!
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