Lifestyle change brought the pounds with it

Im Kelli aka KBig68. Ive been on on myfitnesspal for over a year but never posted. For 1 year I did Zumba and Group Fitness as my full time gig. I formed my own company Color Me Fit Dance Fitness and currently awaiting my 501c3 status. Over the past 18months I lost 80lbs, left a 17 yr+ I.T. career, formed my own company, began working for Merritt Athletic Clubs here in MD. After a car accident that totalled my car on my bday I returned to I.T. as a contractor on a 12month contract (need to pay the lawyers to finish my 501c3).

I hyperextended and sprained my knee 2 months ago and I was out of commission. Doctor said I couldnt do JACK ! so I returned to a career that I sit alot, and I couldnt work out ... AND HOLIDAY eating .... well the pounds and belly fat cometh lol and I have gained 11lbs.

So .... here I am, New Year on the horizon and here is whats going on:

I am back to teaching my Zumba Classes @ Merritt, after resting healing and listening to my doctor!!
I am scheduled to become a certified R.I.P.P.E.D instructor- Jan 18th
New Zumba classes starting at 2 different schools for there after school programs: I will be instructing 5 days a week.

I work 6am-2pm - so when I am here this is what my Food Day looks like:
I start my day @ 420am with - warm lemon and raw honey water- 6-8oz

@ work:
12oz of black coffee with Stevia (no cream)
20oz cup of Green Tea with lemon and honey
(2) liters ofWater
(2) hard boiled eggs
4-6 oz of Spinach salad (from home)
1 peice of fruit - usually a green apple
Nuts at my desk for munching

Either I bring lunch or get a salad from panera or subway. I tend to bring lunch 3-4 days out of the week

@ home
WATER WATER WATER I get in about 48 oz at work and I get in an additional 48+oz at home. I avg about 72oz of water a day and about 48oz of green tea or saffron tea DAILY

I try and eat before 730pm:
6oz of any meat but mostly fish and chicken breast (never fried)
double veggies. Usually 1 cooked veggie and a salad.

During the week: no potatoes (except for sweet pots), no pasta, no rice no heavy sauces, no dairy, no fried foods, no peas,carrots, corn,

On the weekends Sat and Sun morns is when I treat myself to a good breakfast (pancakes made with adkins flour, or french toast, uncured bacon from whole foods) and occasionally Hip Hop Chicken and Fish - CATFISH!!! but thats rare!

anywho all this to say: its a LIFESTYLE and when its a LIFESTYLE its easy to fall back into good habits.

So the help my metabolism as I sit and work this 6-2 shift: I eat green veggies for breakfast usually by 9am... right now Im eating and a hard boiled egg with a vinegarette: the greener the better . Kale, Spinach, Cukes, Asparagus, Chard, broccoli are great fat burners.
and since Im a muncher (to keep my metabolism going) I munch on Nuts and to curb my appetite a bit while Im here I take a wonderful product in 2 forms: Saffron extract. I take the Saffron extract hunger chews to stop the emotional eating and sugar cravings (also mellows out my hi nrg lol) I also drink Saffron tea at nite to con't that.

I started journaling and logging my food intake again to keep me honest lol . and also to rededicate myself.

My goals for 2014 are:

1. lose 25lbs by March
2. get certified in R.I.P.P.E.D
3. get another Zumba certification
4. get my 501c3 status
5. apply and get a grant from Let's Move
6. by the end of 2014 leave I.T. permanently and work for my non profit full time

I think being on here will be of great assistance.

Here's to a healthy 2014 and living the best lifestyle possible.