Dear Whovians - I need your help...



  • tmm_0127
    tmm_0127 Posts: 545 Member
    There is no best Doctor, you just need to watch and decide which is your favorite for yourself. :P

    They're all on Netflix. I personally would suggest starting with Eccelston and work through Smith, and then go back for the oldies (but definitely do NOT skip the old series!!!) - just looked and someone else suggested the same. xD

    Some say your first will be your favorite, but it's not always true. :)
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    Start with Christopher Eccelston and work your way through Matt Smith. Then when you get the chance go back and watch some of the original episodes from the very very start.

    Completely agree with this. They brought Dr. Who back in 2005 with Eccelston as the Doctor for that season only. You have plenty of time before season 8 starts later in 2014 to catch up.

    Once you do, you can go back and watch the classic Dr. Who episodes. Tom Baker, the 4th Doctor, was a good one.
  • Kellllog
    Kellllog Posts: 81 Member
    Start with Christopher Eccelston and work your way through Matt Smith. Then when you get the chance go back and watch some of the original episodes from the very very start.

    This :)
  • doctorsookie
    doctorsookie Posts: 1,084 Member
    Do you want the original series or do you want the reboot beginning with the 9th doctor. There is no one best as they are all great in my mind but my favorite is Matt Smith and it was sad to see him go. The hottest by far is IMO David Tennant. My pulse just picked up.

    this has all the original and the reboot series. I don't suggest jumping in anywhere. Go in order, you'll thank me later. ;-)

    Keep Calm and Don't Blink!
  • BokBagok
    BokBagok Posts: 345
    There is no one best as they are all great in my mind but my favorite is Matt Smith and it was sad to see him go.

  • miss_jessiejane
    miss_jessiejane Posts: 2,819 Member
    Another one who agrees with starting with nine. Partially because I love the relationship between him and Rose.

  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Each episode is a stand alone...

    Although as part of the reboot there are significant story arcs so the seasons need to be watched in order to appreciate where they're going.

    Ecclestone was the Doctor that was needed for the 2005 season, and the whole tenor of his portrayal became a lot clearer in the 50th anniversary show.

    Have to say I'm rather looking forward to Capaldi at the moment.

    Personally I'd recommend sticking with the reboot for a period, the original Hartnell seasons are quite a painful experience if one isn't already into the theme.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    If you want to get in with the more current incarnation I'd strongly suggest starting with Eccleston. His Doctor only lasted one season, but after Tom Baker, he is my absolute favourite Doctor. Then work your way through Tennant and Smith.

    If you have the time, money, and patience start at the very beginning. Lots of the old episodes are coming out on dvd now so you can enjoy William Hartnell, Patrick Troughton, John Pertwee, Tom Baker, Peter Davidson, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, and Paul McGann. The main issue is you might not be able to find all the originals. Some were lost and resurface but are not complete.
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    Ditto Matt Smith (dr. 11). But I tend to crush all over David Tennant! (Dr. 10)

    I don't think you need to start from the beginning of the entire show (first dr is the original 1964 version). But definitely start with the beginning of the incarnation. Christopher Eccleston was my first Dr (the 9th dr), and that's where I would recommend you start. . . after the 15 yr break from the original.

    Pretty much exactly what I was thinking. You can always go back and check out some of the classic Doctor Who once you've already established fan-hood. I cannot pick a favorite between Matt Smith (11) and David Tennant (10) I go back and forth all the time. When I've watched a few Tennant eps. I'm all: "Tennant is the best!!!" but then I watch some Matt Smith again and I'm all "Smith is the best!" I guess gun to my head I'd pick Tennant if for no other reason than I love him to bits. I couldn't stand Eccleston, but I do agree it's the best place to start, with the New Doctor Who series, and he only lasts one season. Then again everyone has different favs... you may love him. Cheers, and enjoy.

    **Edit to add: Don't spend money buying DVDs until you know you're in love with it.... you can watch on Netflix, the Canadian Netflix has more episodes, but American has it as well and if you have an account ($10 a month) you can bounce between the two versions by changing your DNS numbers. Also Netflix has both the Original Doctor Who and the New series. There's a few sites including the Space Network online that streams for free as well.
  • Mazella55
    Mazella55 Posts: 10 Member
    Netflix has the first four season of doctor who. This is from Christopher Eccleston to a season of Matt Smith. The USA has two more seaons of doctor who than the UK, which is utterly ridiculous, seeing as the programmes is BRITISH.
    I have recently started watching it again, I used to watch it as a child. It's great to pick up on the detail I missed as a kid.
    It's a great programme.
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    If you want to start with the Classic Doctors, then you've got a couple that you could begin with. I started with the new Doctors, with the Ninth Doctor, Christopher Eccleston. I'd recommend starting there, you get a bit of backstory and since it's a reboot technically, you don't have to have watched the old episodes to catch up.

    Do yourself a favor and don't start off with 10 or 11 just because you don't want to watch 9.

    QFT!! I started watching half way through the last season and was mega confused but could tell I liked the show and Matt Smith, so I went to the beginning of Matt Smith's (11) incarnation.... then I was still confused and went back to where Tennant (10th) began.... THEN went back to the beginning of the Series reboot where Eccleston started as the 9th. This was easily the worst thing I could ever have done, the stories all twisted together in my head, I had no flow and eventually went back to the beginning AGAIN and started the series from the beginning of the reboot.
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    Netflix has the first four season of doctor who. This is from Christopher Eccleston to a season of Matt Smith. The USA has two more seaons of doctor who than the UK, which is utterly ridiculous, seeing as the programmes is BRITISH.
    I have recently started watching it again, I used to watch it as a child. It's great to pick up on the detail I missed as a kid.
    It's a great programme.

    Canadian Netflix has all 7 seasons from Eccleston to Smith, and also has many from the Original. Google Canadian Netflix DNS numbers and you can watch them all. I'm pretty sure it's the first time that Canadian Netflix has ever had more of anything. lol. I bounce between the two.
  • Mazella55
    Mazella55 Posts: 10 Member
    Seven season!! Their lucky. I'm quite regretting getting netflix, but thaanks for the advice.

  • rbarzat
    rbarzat Posts: 11 Member
    Definitely start with Eccleston ~ you are gonna LOVE Dr. Who!
  • ParamoreAddict
    ParamoreAddict Posts: 839 Member
    Looking to start watching Dr. Who... problem is that when looking at the episodes in the store, I can't tell where to start!

    Is there a basic outline as to which Dr. Who came first (wasn't it a BBC production or something, long ago? I could be wrong.), and do you need to watch them in order from the dawn of time until now? Or can we just start watching randomly because the episodes don't rely on each other?

    Is there a "best" Dr. Who actor, or "worst" (like James Bond...)?

    Thanks for your help and clarification!

    Let me start off by saying best thread ever in this area! If you're deadset on buying, they sell the David Tennant years (my favorite NuWho Doctor). If you live here in America, you can just put up a series recording on BBC America. DW comes on almost every day. You'll catch up in no time at all. That's what I did after I came back to the show years later after it was canceled back in the 80s.
  • ParamoreAddict
    ParamoreAddict Posts: 839 Member
    So many Whovians in one place! I <3 this site the more I'm here! :) All Whovians (and potential Whovians) are welcome to send me FR btw. Allons-Y!
  • kalitime
    kalitime Posts: 15 Member
    Start with "Rose" and view your way through them chronologically. Then, if you want to, (please?) go back and view the old series.

    I'm a long time fan and the new series references the old if you watch for it. Reboots of aliens and ideas, as well as new stuff.

    Fantastic that you're watching. Welcome to the fan family. :)
  • PhoenixStrikes
    PhoenixStrikes Posts: 587 Member
    Start with the first episode of the new series with the 9th doctor. The episode is called Rose. Do not start with 10 or 11 you will miss story lines! Classic Doctor Who (not Dr. Who) is good but not really necessary because the modern series explains things too you. once you are caught up then try and find all the classic episodes, Netflix has some but they're are so many it's nearly impossible to watch ALL of them, especially since some were destroyed or recorded over.

    How did I know your Who Radar would go off as soon as this was posted lol

    Serious business.
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    Ditto Matt Smith (dr. 11). But I tend to crush all over David Tennant! (Dr. 10)

    I don't think you need to start from the beginning of the entire show (first dr is the original 1964 version). But definitely start with the beginning of the incarnation. Christopher Eccleston was my first Dr (the 9th dr), and that's where I would recommend you start. . . after the 15 yr break from the original.

    Completely agree with this. Don't get me wrong, the old series is wonderful, but it's A LOT to catch up on. You're better off starting with "New Who" (as it's commonly referred to) which started in 2005 with the 9th doctor. The 11th Doctor's run JUST ended and the show won't return until September, so you've got plenty of time to catch up :) And of course, if you love it (which you will), then you can always go back and watch some of the older stuff!
  • SyntonicGarden
    SyntonicGarden Posts: 944 Member
    Start with Christopher Eccelston and work your way through Matt Smith. Then when you get the chance go back and watch some of the original episodes from the very very start.

    I agree with this. The ones before Eccelston are cool but not necessary to understand the story. Most people find the newer ones easier to watch and then as they get more into the show go back and watch the original doctors.
    What they said. :)