Exercise in increments vs all at once?

swerdygnome Posts: 88 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi Everybody,

I was wondering if it makes a difference if you do your cardio exercise in short increments throughout the day (10 minutes at a time for example), or all at once? Is one more beneficial than the other as far as increasing metabolism or burning calories? Have any of you seen better results one way vs the other? Your thoughts?


  • Alysgrma
    Alysgrma Posts: 365 Member
    Bump for later...I too would like to know :happy:
  • elainecroft
    elainecroft Posts: 595 Member
    I think it depends what your goals are. If you are just looking to burn calories and keep in shape, then doing it in small bursts is probably fine. On the other hand, if you are training for an event or a specific goal, many people use the "20 minute" rule of thumb. Anything you do <20 minutes will help keep you fit and at the shape you are at. Once you pass the 20 minute mark is where you start building muscle and endurance.

    So the bottom line is all exercise is great, but you may get extra benefits if you do more than 20 minutes at a time.
  • swerdygnome
    swerdygnome Posts: 88 Member
    Good info.....thanks!
  • DJH510
    DJH510 Posts: 114 Member
    Regarding calories, you will use the same performing the same amount of work all at once or split into two, three, or even ten seperate sessions. Obviously doing it all at once is better for fitness though!
  • NJS_2
    NJS_2 Posts: 3 Member
    For the couch potatoes out there like me, I have to break mine up while I build up to it. I'm hoping when I'm in better shape, I can do the full 30 minuites all at once. For now, I break mine up. My morning walk is 20 minutes and 10 mins on an exercise bike after dinner. If I could find a more comfortable seat for the exercise bike I could do 20 mins on the bike as well, but for now 10 will have to do. Only been on the routine since aug.11th so we'll see how it goes. Wish me luck getting to that full 30.

  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    Hi Everybody,

    I was wondering if it makes a difference if you do your cardio exercise in short increments throughout the day (10 minutes at a time for example), or all at once? Is one more beneficial than the other as far as increasing metabolism or burning calories? Have any of you seen better results one way vs the other? Your thoughts?

    The thing that would completely put me off training for ten minutes at a time (six times per day, to get my hour in), would be that it would equal a shower after each session and six showers per day would not be good for my skin. I could do without showering each time, but stale sweat does nothing for one's personal hygiene and that is without the threat of things like athlete's foot because I wouldn't be keeping myself clean.

    Added to that minor point, everytime I went back for another ten minutes session, I would have to warm up and warm down again, I don't think my body would like all that very much, apart from which I just wouldn't have the time, what with work lol
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