Minor injury inconvience = :(

So I was doing pretty good for awhile when I re-found this site in the Fall, but currently I've been having more trouble sticking to my goals. I don't feel like I eat enough of a variety or have any wiggle room when I don't have a few days where I have significant exercise calories.

My knee was hurt by a car door this summer. (Shameless safety plug: ALWAYS look before you open your car door. Especially in rush hour. Especially next to a busy bike lane. But really, try to make it a habit.) My knee has been on and off good, but I'm trying to be nice to my knee and not do high intensity things involving my knee (i.e. any bike rides through the cold should be leisurely - brrr). My back-up, cold weather, need-to-get-some-exercise-in activity has been a dance program on the Wii, but the impact has me concerned. So I no longer have an exercise activity with a good effort/time reward that doesn't involve decent advanced planning.

It also feels plain unfair that just as I start getting better about managing my appetite and purposefully exercising my body decides to allow a minor injury to linger and interfere with my good intentions and the creation of better habits.

I've seen an excellent physical therapist about my knee, so I've gotten good advice about making it better already, but it's going to be gradual. What I'm mainly looking for with this post is commiseration with those who have gone thorough something similar and if you have advice you want to share from your experience.