Introducing myself, 20 from NC

Hi im Lynsey im 20 and live in north carolina. I was extremely active in high school and now being a junior in college i am 30 pounds heavier than I was then. I enjoy working out, but became lazy. I just joined a new gym literally right a crossed from where I live and got a personal trainer. I am very excited because last time I got serious I lost 10 pounds in a month. My goal is to get down to 150 and lose around 20 pounds! I will admit my parents are somewhat negative people and recently have given little jabs about my weight so I am very excited to lose a ton of weight and shove it in their face, but most importantly feel great about myself again. Best lucky to everyone in their journey. I would love to chat with a few people and motivate them as well!


  • cally_
    cally_ Posts: 27 Member
    I'm going to add you! Feel free to message me anytime!