Looking for an Accountablity Partner!!

2013 was a bit stressful year, with two moves to two different states, a new baby plus two older boys, husband in the military, and hardly any time for myself.

2014 is my year and I want to start off running! I'm looking for an accountability partner, who is serious about becoming the healthiest we can be and to support one another. I need some one who will push me on the days I don't really want to push hard, someone who has words of encouragement, when I'm down and someone who willing to share this journey with me.

If you are interested and serious to make this lifestyle change feel free to message me, please only serious people.

I'm starting P90X3 tomorrow, I need to lose the baby weight and then some. Hoping this summer is a summer to remember! We can do this! 2014 is our year, it's my year!

"The strength and level of your commitment will grow as the success starts to happen."-Chantel Hobbs

Let's see what happens in 2014!:smooched: :wink: :tongue: