Thankyou MFP

7x57 Posts: 12 Member
A Happy New Year greeting to MFP for being my companion in my weight loss journey in 2013 ,I could not have done it without you . To all the administrators and members who constantly support everyone Else's efforts it has been a real privilege to be part of this community. Happy New Year and may God bless


  • Mylolamia
    Mylolamia Posts: 88 Member
    100% with you...My Fitness Pal has been a Godsend for me over the last 476 days...congratulations MFP on an excellent website for so many people who need and have and will benefit from it. Kudos to you MFP and a BIG THANK YOU!
  • hanniejong
    hanniejong Posts: 556 Member
    A Happy New Year greeting to MFP for being my companion in my weight loss journey in 2013 ,I could not have done it without you . To all the administrators and members who constantly support everyone Else's efforts it has been a real privilege to be part of this community. Happy New Year and may God bless
    and also

    100% with you...My Fitness Pal has been a Godsend for me over the last 476 days...congratulations MFP on an excellent website for so many people who need and have and will benefit from it. Kudos to you MFP and a BIG THANK YOU!

    I totallly agree with both of you